
For women who had their first child before they got settled into their carrers?

by  |  earlier

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how did having a child stop that...and did you ever achieve that calling....

thanks God Bless




  1. I finally got into the carrer and only worked two months and found out I was expecting. I was really excited, however my boss said that I would have to find a different jobs because my job which was a pesticide tec, I am very content with becoming a mom, I don't need to show everyone that I can do both. Being a mom is just as good as a carrer as anything else.

  2. I'm 30, married, have two kids (3 1/2 years and 3 months).  I don't think I've decided what my lifelong career will be except for being a mommy.  I work from home doing medical transcription, legal proofreading, word processing and bookkeeping for a few small corporations, and a little research too.  I love what I do but I'm thinking when the kids go to school, I might consider getting my Master's (I already have my Bachelor's) and consider teaching at a junior college.  My dream has always been to be a children's book author but that is more of a hobby since no one pays you to just write.  I'm very happy with my life because I feel I had my kids at a good age, I'm blessed enough to work at home to be with them so I don't have to send them off to daycare everyday, and being a mom has always been more important than a career.  I do like what I'm doing right now and might do this for the rest of my life.  We'll see.

  3. I most certainly did, and am still working on my career.  I chose to be a mother and wife for a career.  It is the most satisfying career you could ever have.  

    I'm curious to know why women think they have to choose something else as a career and think of motherhood as something you do part-time?  Why isn't mothering a career anymore?

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