
For work experience I'm told that doing things based on my subjects?

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does anyone know anything to do with geography, it, food or french??




  1. Sometimes you don't get put in your ideal place, i was interestes in the weather (climatology) so they put me in a travel agents.

    They'll probably just bung you in a primary school to help out, that's what they do with the kids they can't be bothered to find ideal placements for.

  2. Geography - contractors, architects, etc

    I.T - engineers, designers of various types

    Food - cafes, restaraunts, canteens

    French - language colleges, schools

    I did work experience last year and am getting these suggestions from my friends who also take these subjects. But unless it's compulsory, don't feel you have to take work experience for the subjects you take: do things you like or aspire to be!

  3. at my school you didnt have to do something based on your subjects?

    i hated work experience myself, but all my friends really enjoyed it.

    and it was for 2 weeks :|

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