
For your first car, would you recommend driving auto or stick

by  |  earlier

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right now it looks like i'll be driving my dad's car when i get my license, it's stick, I've practiced driving it a couple of times and i'm starting to get an idea, but i could see about getting my first car with the auto.




  1. auto would be easier

  2. You'll like automatic more, however it is a VERY good skill to know how to drive a manual.  Traffic sucks with a stick.

  3. OMG im in teh same boat as you.... my dad is like makign me learn on stick, i guess its good to know but it's hard... my car will be aoutmatic lol!

  4. Auto lol i dont drive but its easier to have something shift for you

    because we are only humans and we can forgot to shift and if that happens while we are in the middle of the highway or an intersection the result would be very bad

    so i recomend u to go with auto =)

  5. id say auto or atleast take test in auto

  6. auto would be nice, its easier

  7. auto is really easy n relaxing! but try driving a stick bcoz its good to keep practice. i learned to drive a stick n got my license on it but my first car was auto and couple of years later i wasnt confident driving a stick coz i lost the feel of it. but you could always make a cup of coffee while driving a auto lol  

  8. No stick is cooler, it looks cooler and it's more fun to drive.

    The great kicks about driving a stick is

    1)Better in the snow

    2)Better gas mileage

    3)More powerful

    4) Cheaper to buy

    5)Lasts longer

    6)Cheaper and easier to repair

    7)It's so much fun!

    8) It's cool!

  9. stick. if you can drive a stick you can drive anything else.  

  10. auto stick

    clutch stick sucks for beginners

  11. Stick. You can drive anything at any time then. Think of being stuck somewhere when someone is hurt any only a stick around and you can't get them help.

    Not a position that you ever want to be in.

  12. It all just depends on what you've had experience driving before. If you've never driven a stick, you should go with an automatic because a standard would be too hard to get used to without experience.  

  13. automatic. Though you are technically a licensed driver, you are still learning things. Some elements of driving by experience on the road: the longer you drive the more comfortable you get! So when you finally get over the shock of being able to drive, and when you feel ready, then I would go for the stick!

  14. An auto would be easier but its always good to learn how to drive a stick because you could find a car for cheap.

  15. try both  

  16. I would get auto.  You will get tired of changing gears after a while.

  17. stick is good to learn and get used to so you can know for the rest of your life.

    but auto is easier...

    either one

  18. my first car was a stick and the truck i drive now is a stick... it takes less than a week or two to forget it's there and i honestly wouldn't drive an auto anymore unless i had to... (want's to push the nonexistent clutch)

  19. I would suggest a stick shift, That way you will know how to drive both just in case you need to for some reason.

    My first car was a brand new 1988 Yugo GVL 4 speed stick

  20. The first car I learned to drive was an auto, yet my first car at age 17 was a manual.

    For you, looks like you'll be driving a manual for the time being unless you can come up with the cash for your own car so you might as well learn it now. It'll come in handy.

    Besides, manuals are more fun to drive.

  21. Anyone can drive a manual transmission.  If you have the opportunity to do it early in your driving career, you should take advantage of it.  All it takes is practice.

    I started driving a Volkswagen Rabbit with a stick when I was 13.  It was easy and allowed me to be able to drive anything and everything since then.

  22. I say get a stick.  It is a skill you can use the rest of your life and you learn more about controlling a car since you choose when the gears shift.  It will take longer to learn, but in the long run you will be better off.

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