
Forcing parents to work when kids turn 7 (eventually 3) your views please?

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id like to hear other peoples views on the new ukgovernment plans to force lone parents back to work when there youngest turns 7 , and eventually will be revised so they have to work when youngest turns 3

personally as a lone parent whohas worked for 8 years before having kids i think its ridiculous , for these reasons

1-there is not enoufgh childcare for every single 7 yo , childcare is expensive - no plans to lower costs

2-there at least 13 weeks where a child is off school for holidays , as well as weekends and not to mention when a child is sick

3- a single parents work wont stop when the wrk does she will still have to work when she returns home without a break

4-will a 7 yo be expected to get home from school alone if child care unavaliable

5-if parents are forced to do community work if no job found , will this be paid at minimum wage or above

6- this will cause lasy cows to have more kids when youngest gets to six, to get out of working!!

your views please ?




  1. So wait, if someone has a kid in the UK they can live off of the government for years if they are single??? I'm confused on what the law is stating, but if that is the case and the government would pay for me to be free from work until 7 (3 years even would be wonderful) then I'd love it.

    Of course, this may not be what you're talking about; but as an american I will say that a lot of people who should be working, but aren't are living off my taxes I pay in while I receive no such benefits and have to return to work 6-8 weeks after giving birth to my baby or get nothing at all (and even then my work doesn't pay me, I had to have short term disability insurance to get anything during that time).  I think if there is a legitimate medical reason why a person can't work to support their family, then fine; but if they are physically able to work then they should.  As for forcing everyone to, I think that is wrong; but if the government is providing some sort of subsidizing for money for those who are able-bodied, then they should cut it off at some point and 3 years sounds way more than reasonable.  Then it would be the parents choice to work or find some way to survive without public assistance.

    As for not getting a break, unfortunately its the way of life for parents in the US and many other countries.  We work to afford our lifestyles and to get our families fed and then we come home to work at taking care of them as well.  It's hard and exhausting, but unfortunately it is life.

  2. I don't like to give negative answers, but it sounds as though the law is in place primarily for people receiving government assistance. To obtain cash assistance in the US (with the exception of parents with newborns) you have to take a class, enroll in job placement workshops, do at least 40 hrs community service a week, work 40 hrs a week, or be enrolled in school full time (in class 40 hrs a week). The law is in place to teach parents, single and married, how to provide for their families, and it keeps people from living life-long off of the government.. our tax dollars at work. I'm a single mother of three and I work full time, run my own business. You have to provide for your family at some point, and there are several jobs out there which provide flexibility in scheduling for child care purposes.

  3. I am not a lone parent but I am HORRIFIED at this. I feel very strongly that parents need to be there for their kids...this experiment went badly wrong in the U.S. when single parents were being bused to factories miles away from their homes and so were basically not getting back in time for the kids bedtime..the kids were being brought up by strangers and were turning bad It sounds like something a n**i government would do and I hate the thought of kids being put in daycare against their parents wishes...your question about what would happen if no childcare were avilable is easily answered...the governemnt is at this very minute turning ALL schools into practical daycare centres...making them provide afterschool care till they have obviously thought it all out. Honestly....I cant see it happening though...the UK is not America...there are too many women in power who would stop this bullying. Because that is what it is...please dont worry...why dont you consider writing to womens groups for advice and support maybe get up a protest group to lobby the government about it....fight back. the replies from American women just astound me....they think that it is ok to make Mothers work...and leave the kids with strangers...what about the FATHERS...make them work more hours...they are not the ones bringing up the kids...bringing up kids well is a full time job and one which cannot be done by anyone as well as a childs Mother.

  4. hi there. Im a fellow UK mum and im dreading these new enforcements. My children are 3.5 yr (twins) and 2 yrs old so i have a while before it affects me but im still pretty peeved.

    I cant go to work at the present time because 30 hrs of childcare for 3 kids will cost me in the region of £400 a WEEK and no job is gunna cover that, rent and bills as well as food and the other spends that come with children!!!!!

    My partner doesnt live with me as we cant afford it!

    I agree that childcare is WAY too expensive! And like you said there are 13 weeks of a year where you HAVE to find childcare and even between the two of you(in a couple) , you cant use your holiday allowence of 4 weeks a year as it still wont be enough!!

    I agree and wonder what the h**l the government are thinking... what is a child of 7 supposed to do after school? oh thats right, its up to the parents to find OUT of school care because we are no longer ALLOWED to be responsible parents and be there for our children!!!!!!!!

    The whole system is c**p! I could run this country better!!!!! ;)! It gives to the rich and takes from the poor - yer you can afford childcare thats fine, and oh no you cant, tuff c**p!

    My mum said whatever happened to the 'council' nurseries - childcare at VERY low cost for low income families (mum said she paid around £2 a day for me to go!)

    Its supposed to be about child poverty or summat, well my children are well looked after. They are not spoilt, they have learnt the wonders of budgeting and EARNING rewards! They dont get things handed to them on a plate! So how they can say that children from single parents end up below the poverty line if the mum stays at home is beyond me!

    We have our reasons!

    Sorry for the rant and thanks for bringing this up!!!!!

    Lets me know im not the only mum who thinks this plan is bunch of p**p!

    take care hun, hope it all works out!

  5. Move to America, our liberals like to give out free money.

    I don't think single parents should work personally.  And for that matter, there should be something in place to allow 1 parent stay home even with 2 parents in the household.

  6. Sounds like socialism to me.

  7. Don't like that at all but that's are government as if it wasn't hard enough for single parents.

  8. Ok, I am not from the UK, but that is just ridiculous. Sure, it has some advantages, but people should have their own choice. Being a 'house wife' or 'house husband' is a person's personal choice, and if they want to choose that, then they should be able to. I agree with you that you sometimes need to stay with children when they are sick and also when there is no one else to care for them when they are alone. Also, yes, it can happen that people will have more children so that they can stay at home, and that will only result in adding to the population and possibly higher cases of child neglect. I do not believe someone could impose such a silly law; no offense to those from the UK.

  9. What?  I'm confused...are you saying that in the UK, the government will subsidize your staying home with your child if you are a single parent?  That is just nuts.  

    Sounds like a welfare system to me.  Get a job!

    To me, in the US, there is nothing more annoying than those taking advantage of our tax-paying system.  We pay our taxes for able-bodied lazy people to stay at home on welfare.  Again, get a job.  Your child will be fine in daycare.  That's life.

  10. I am a single mum and have been for 9 years. I have always worked and used childcare.

    yes its tough but their are enough of us out there doing it....maybe if more people worked, the tax bill for the benefits department wouldnt be so high and they could raise the minimum wage.

    with working families tax credit and childcare tax credit no family is going to be better off on benefits. It is fact that those on benefits usually live below the poverty line, in poor socio economic environments....and these children do not tend to do a well in life. you might not like to hear it and of course there are exceptions to the rule but you only need to look at most council estates in the uk to see the true facts.

    It is my view that staying home to look after your kids is a privelidge IF you can afford to support yourself financially....if you cant without the government (or in reality) me! paying for your house, your kids education and healthcare ,your council tax etc then it is not a choice you should be able to make.

    A lot of these parents would be better trying to improve their job prospects by enrolling in some kind of education so they will not be stuck on minimum wage.

    Im afraid i dont have much sympathy for single parents on benefits as they give us all a bad name. as for the ridiculous comments about taking from the poor to give to the rich...people on benefits dont get anything taken from them and ordinary working parents or people who are not rich are the ones shelling out to a majority who are dragging their kids up, spouting the i want to be at home with them statements whilst doing very little to ensure their kids are actually supervised and well brought up. as i said their are exceptions to the rule, some will bring their kids up well but the majority dont (this is backed up by statistics and fact) you asked for our views, and that is mine .....yes they should work, they are very lucky they get a 7 year free ride and i for one am totally sick of paying for the lazy,uneducated underclass of our society whilst being tarred with the same brush just because i am a single parent.

  11. I think this is a brilliant idea.  You will still get help with childcare costs through tax credits, family allowance etc if you need it. You are unlikely to have to work full time so you could be at home by the time your kids return from school.  It prevents lone parents from becoming too isolated, gives them skills, improves self esteem, gives them the pride of working for a living and playing an active role in society rather than just sponging of the state and it teaches the kids that it's important to work and be productive - meaning you're a good role model for your kids and you're teaching your kids how to be active members of society - raising their aspirations and promoting achievement as a positive thing.  

    To respond specifically to the issues you raise:

    1. Child care is still available during holidays and weekends - if you need to work weekends

    2. you are legally entitled to time off work if your child is sick

    3. whether you are single or in a couple the work still continues when you get home from work - it's not a 'single parent' thing, it's a 'parent' thing

    4. carers will generally pick up a child from school

    5. what's wrong with being paid minimum wage? it's better than being paid no wage at all

    6. Lazy cows are going to have more kids anyway - that's how they make their money.

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