
Ford focus 1.6 16v 2002 idle problems

by  |  earlier

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Now and again my car sound as if its gong to stall. The rev needle drops, and start hunting, But when I rev it then it idles normal. This only happens when im stationary, Anyone had simular problem please help?




  1. your IAC might be getting stuck,and check for a small vacuum leak,,this is only true if you dont have a check engine light on....

  2. yo u got a  bgf

  3. yeah more than likely from what ive delt with is that the idle needs to be adjusted see not enough fuel is being burnt to keep the engine idling at a steady pace have the idle adusted or it could be fuel feed problems

  4. go to autozone or checker auto or pepboys and have them hook a code reader to the car to see if there are any errors in memory. if there are none then the problem might be a bad connector to the Mass Flow Sensor (under the air cleaner). the contacts get corroded and gives the computer false readings

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