
Forecasters: Look at the size of this Surface High Pressure System on this surface analysis,?

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LOL, I cannot remember seeing such a thing in quite a long time. I laughed a little while analyzing the weather this morning.




  1. Yes, it is a little (about 6 weeks) early for this type of  a pattern but it seems that everything has been a little early this year. Often the mid range models will correctly indicate a change in the overall pattern but often will over estimate  (or in several cases last fall, under estimate), the magnitude of the change.

    That is what I suspect in this case and will be watching to see exactly where and how strong the high sets up. I would bet weaker and a little further north.

    Seems a bit far south and a 1027 mb surface high seems unusually strong for August. Will just have to wait and see. At least it would keep the tropical systems out of my part of the country. I don't want to work the remains of a system stalling into a weak high pressure area. Already worked too many flood events this year.  

  2. looks like the east is gonna be high and dry for awhile longer

    plus that high pressure is gonna keep any tropical storms away from the mid atlantic - good for me !  in Maryland

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