
Foreclosure Information?

by  |  earlier

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I received a foreclosure court hearing in which I need to respond in 20 days. I have six months late, and I don't want to loose my house, I have been trying to communicate with my lender to make some arrangement but they don't answer me. What should I need to do?




  1. If you are six months in arrears on payments, there isn't much you CAN do.  Any loan modifications on the part of the lender will require you to become current on your payments.  Do you have six months worth of payments sitting around on your coffee table ?

    Methinks you are preparing to finally respond WAY too late, dear.  If you are six months in arrears, this is not the FIRST time you have been contacted.

  2. make them answer you.

  3. Yea i have to agree there isn't much you technically can do at this point.  i would hire a lawyer or maybe a debt management company for their advice.

  4. i was in foreclosure to but i got help, they stopped the foreclosure put my rears to the back and they gave me a low fixed intrest rate that i could afford his name is anthony and his email is good luck it was well worth it

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