
Foreign Call Centres, Good or Bad?

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Foreign Call Centres, Good or Bad?




  1. Bad.  Baaaaaaaad.  It is almost impossible to understand people from India and Mexico.  They have strong accents.  My worst nightmare:  I had a problem with Dell.  At one point I ended up in a conference call with a customer service woman from Mexico and a tech rep man in India.

  2. I live in Britain and am used to poor service from Britons so I welcome the chance to speak to Indian call center staff (which I do for banking and telephone services). They are polite, friendly, efficient, and try to deliver the best service they can. Way better!

  3. It depends on where you live, and if you work for them or not..

    I don't like dealing with call centers that are in overseas areas...

  4. ANNOYING AS h**l.  

    One usually calls a call center to get a service or to get a technical problem delt with .

    There is nothing worse than needing a translator when  you are trying to get either of those things done.

    No matter how good their english is they dont get the subtle points and catch phrases of areas.

  5. OMG!!! You just hit a nerve with me. I can't stand them. Most of the time I can't understand what they are saying. Also, they are not different than hiring illegal immigrants here in the U.S.

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