
Foreign Service + Higher Education?

by Guest64078  |  earlier

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I'm a junior in high school, and my career goal is to be in the Foreign Service.

What are the best schools for International Relations?


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  1. That is one of the coolest jobs out there.  You should probably go to a liberal arts school like Williams and Mary and most of the schools in Boston like BU, BC, Amherst, Babson or even Bard college.  You should get a degree in Political Science, pre-law, international law.  If you know what country you want to work closely with, you should know that language really well. Study abroad and study that country's law while you are there.  Once you graduate from college, it would really help you (and your paycheck) if you went to law school and got a JD.  But, if I had to name one school that was good for International Relations I would say you should look in Boston University.  They have a special 5 year course in that and you can earn your masters through it.  Also, they are really good about finding their students jobs after they graduate.  I also looked into NYU and Georgetown, which have an equally good program.  I would also suggest you go to school in Washington D.C. since it's so close to the white house.  So Georgetown, American, George Washington, and George Mason are really good schools to wet your feet with in the world of politics.

    Hope this helped. Good luck,

    Troublemaker :)

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