
Foreign Students Studying in Germany?

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I'm an Egyptian engineering student, I was considering going on my studies in Germany, which universities are there available for foreigners?..and which's best ?...What do they need exactly? papers etc., and how would that cost me?...given that I'm good in Deutsch..

Thanks in Advance =)




  1. Do you think you could narrow it down a bit? There are loads of universities in Germany, many of them known for good engineering programmes (Bochum, for example). And in general, they are alll open to foreigners. In some regions, you now have to pay a fee to study, elsewhere, it's still free. Which branch of engineering are you going into? Do you want to finish your course in Germany, or do something postgrad? Let us know!

  2. The TU Chemnitz is an excellent uni with a huge foreign student population:

  3. I am a forign student in germany from Turkey. I am studying at the Leipzig University. I guess Hamburg University, Kasel Uni. and Chemnitz Uni. which accept foreign students.

    But in germany there are lot of foreign students so I think they are all accept you...

    Ok Chemnitz and Leipzig is ok for you.. We just pay nearly 80 eur for our uni card and there was no other payment for the school. You can also buy a semesterticket in 70 eur for 6 months... And one of my friend is now studying postgraduate in leipzig. You need DAF I guess. And you can also have a German Course only -2 -eur just for copy fie.... you can find some information ...

    Good luck


  4. Asalam alaikum br.  Though I dont know about Germany in particular, the best General advice I would give you is narrow your choice down to a few schools, research them on the net, and then contact them directly to see about foreign student programs....may Allah(swt) make it easy for you.

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