
Foreign exchange program.. is it for me?

by Guest63558  |  earlier

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I am very interested in becoming a foreign exchange student. Currently, I am living in the United States and would love to go to Spain. However, I am scared I would be completely lost and not know how to communicate very well. I took 2 1/2 years of Spanish (the 1/2 was more of an intro) but last year, my sophomore, I chose to be done with foreign language. I have very good grades and did very well in those classes. Do you think that I could do well living in Spain having the Spanish experience that I have now? Thanks!!




  1. Maybe you should research it a little more, find out what you will need to know to go to their schools. Maybe it will help you choose.

  2. The Spanish are warm, welcoming people and you will soon find yourself at home there. Besides, you are young and at an age where you will pick up foreign languages easily. Don't hesitate --or you might spend the rest of your life regretting it!

  3. ok let me tell u something if u speak the language or not before u got there has nothing to do with if it is for u or not. i was an exchange student in new york 10 years ago, i had taken 5 years of english before i left but it didnt help me very much hahahaha. the thing is that 3 months after u get ther u will be fluent at spanish. it all depends how well u try to comunicate, talking to ppl even though u know u will make mistakes is basic of being an ES, but languange is not all ES is all abot, u have to be a year away from home and u have to know if u can take this, if spend all the time on the computer chating with family and friends u will miss out on the experience and also have trouble learning the spanish. spanish is a complex language but learning in a school only gives u grammar not slang and ppl when have an actual conversation use slang, expresions and saying proper of the area the are. for me being an exchange student was the best experience of my life, it make the man i am today. but sadly is not everyone, i have seen many fail at it and going home early.

    its all up to you, but if u want piece of advice then do it

  4. My name is Kelly Scoville and I am the Regional Area Coordinator of Florida for ACE/ECI. ACE is abbreviated for Academic and Cultural Exchange and ECI is abbreviated for Educational and Cultural Interactions, Inc. The company is based out of Oklahoma City , OK . We are nationally recognized in finding host families and schools to participate in opening their homes/schools to the foreign exchange student program. Also they have American students studying aboard. You can either contact me or contact them at 1-888-446-5437. They would be happy to give you all the information.

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