
Foreign exchange student dilemma?

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what are some inecpensive places were i can become a foreign exchange student . I want to go to japan, or a spanish speaking country, maybe even some place in africa .but i dont think me or my mom can afford the cost right now. Does any one have any specific places that i can try and go through?




  1. The place has nothing to do with the cost of being an exchange student -- at least not a lot. The cost is in the travel, support, insurance, etc. A standard exchange program is going to run you around $7,000 - $10,000 by the time you've covered all the expenses of the program PLUS the money you will need while you are there.

    However, Rotary is considerably cheaper -- but much more competitive. And, many programs do offer scholarships. Try looking into AFS, YFU, Aspect and Rotary for help with scholarships and/or a cheaper program. I also believe ASSE might also be a bit cheaper (but not as much as Rotary).

    All of the programs I've listed are CISET certified (VERY important) and have good reputations.

  2. Studying abroad can be a great opportunity...however can also be expensive. I would reccommend going to a Latin American country. I am a program advisor with Intrax Study Abroad and we offer Academic Year/ Semester and summer programs in Argentina/ Brazil/ Costa Rica/ Ecuador and Mexico. The range of cost for these countries is $5,000 to $8,000+. Intrax Study Abroad also makes scholarships available to students.For more info: check out the following website:

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