
f******n is swollen help plzz?

by  |  earlier

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my down there thing's f******n is swollen and i think it mite be becuz i didn't take a shower after swimming in a pool with CHLORINE in it becuz the next day it was itchy and when i itched it it got red and swollen. now its been swollen for 6 days but that's probably becuz it itched sooo mush so i started itching it non stop and it got so big but now i learned my lesson not to itch it and its going down now. Will it heal by itself? I'm 13 and I haven't had IT its juss probably becuz of the chlorine so what do i do




  1. you need a doctor son it has gone past the i'll sort it myself stage it sounds as if you've got an infection in it don't be shy we've all had to put our best bits on show [and I know it's embarrassing ] but you need to get this sorted

  2. If you keep rubbbing on it it will never go down.....

  3. Yes, if it's already going down when you don't scratch it, then it'll heal by itself. Wash the f******n and p***s thoroughly and moisturize it. Due to the fact that you are uncircumcised, the p***s may be more sensitive and prone to itching and irritations than a circumcised one, which is fine. After swimming, shower well and mositurize your body. Put a warm or cool towel on the p***s and relax. Don't stress, but if it doesn't go down or is still inflamed within a few days, please notify your parents. Hope this helps.

  4. i dont know how chlorine could do that to you, mabe the pool was over chlorinated and it got into your p***s.

    but also make sure you are washing your p***s everyday under the f******n, its cridical! one time i didnt take a shower for a few days because i was camping and my forskin started to get sore and sensitive along with turning red. after i washed it everyday, it was heald in a couple days.

  5. Lesson learned, apparently you have a sensitivity to chlorine and should always shower after swimming.  It's good that the swelling is going down, but to have it for 6 days - wow.  Use some Hydro-Cortizone cream to help with the itch.  One version of this has a little pain-killer in it so that should help a lot.  Your mom probably already has some in the house, but if not, you can get it anywhere (like Wal-mart, drugstore, etc.) without a prescription.

  6. chlorine shouldn't have done that unless you were allergic, in which case it'd have happened all over.

    If it's going down you may have nothing to worry about.  Otherwise you may have a small infection. drink lots of water, keep it clean with PH neutral soap and if it persists seek medical advice.  I don't think I need to say this but - don't play with it.


  7. try not to go in the pool again to avoid being here again; have you been in the pool before? and did it happen then or not?  if not, it means you touched something with your hands and might have touched you p***s which means it--got infected.  if it is getting better leave it alone. if you have an anitbiotic cream rub it on the skin.    

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