
f******n restoration and circumcision

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is it possible to restore the f******n on your p***s also what is better circumcision or not




  1. Yes it is possible and I've heard it can be quite successful in terms of getting back sensitivity and mobility in the p***s.

    Here are some links:

    Norm-uk - the UK's leading authority on the subject.  Most of the people that run it have restored or are restoring their foreskins:

    doug's site:

    f******n restore:

  2. I say no to circumcision. Its an outdated and totally unnecessary procedure in the developed world. A f******n is natural part of the p***s with many important protective and sexual functions.

    It is possible to restore your f******n:

  3. Yes you can "restore" the f******n, you never get back the lost nerve endings etc. but you can stretch the existing shaft skin to cover the glans. It's a slow process but most guys are happy with the results.

    I think it's better to be left intact, circumcision should not be done on infants though adults should of course be able to choose.


  4. Yes, it is possible to restore the f******n by using some of the skin on your p***s. It all depends on the male weather he thinks circumcision is better or not. Some men think circumcision is better because you don't have the f******n problems or the extra care, but some rather be uncircumcised for the pleasure and just staying in tact. Hope this helps.

  5. if you're a grown man you should know the answer to this.......

  6. restoring the f******n is not a good ideal. It stretches skin that shouldnt be stretched and can cause problems later. Circumcision is always the best route. Its cleaner, smells better, less likely to get a p***s infection, less likely to catch an STD !! Why would you want your skin back?

  7. circumcision is better. less problems. more health benefits. preferred by the ladies.  

    Is this a legit question or just a setup question for Intactivist?

    here are my sources

  8. Circumcision is better.  No matter what the anti-circumcision naysayers say, circumcision is now becoming more to the forefront with the positve benefits it has.  Most of the anti-circumcision arguments are over 60 years of age and just not applicable in this day and age.  Although it is not a 100%preventative of AIDS, it is a help.  I was cut at 22 and I have never regretted it.  I grew up angry at my parents for not having me cut as a baby.  

  9. Restoring your f******n is not going to make you like you were before you were circumcised.  I've tried it and the process brings with it it's own problems and potential dangers.  It really is best if you leave it as it is.  Don't take chances with your junk.

  10. I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

    check out this link, it covers the basics but has multiple links at the bottom for more information

    email me if you have any more questions

  11. I've seen some stretching mechanical apparatus on the internet.  I have also read that guys who are circumcised are not as sensitive when their p***s is stroked.  I'm circumcised and I don't find sensitivity to be a problem.  I would not want restoration of my f******n as I don't have any problems being circumcised.

  12. I am circumcised and restoring.

    I see circumcision as a barbaric ritual that's current form was created by s*x-hating Puritans.

    Non-surgical f******n restoration can restore *SOME* of what was lost but the benefits are very significant.

    Surgical restoration is not recommended at all but the alternative can take over a year to complete.


    I believe that everyone should read the following article.

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