
f******n restoration?

by  |  earlier

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I think circumcision is bad and wish I wasn't. Anyone know sources/techniques to restore your f******n? I saw a special on Showtime once talking about it.




  1. check out this link, it covers the basics but has multiple links at the bottom for more information

    the time and effort is worth it, I've done it, email me if you have any questions

    there's also a forum at


  2. you need to go to a doctor or try searching the net

  3. On your computer - type in 'f******n Restoration' - and see how many websites pop up!

  4. I'm restoring my f******n also, and the results are great.   I'm only halfway to my goal, but I have enhanced sensitivity and orgasmic intensity has increased tremendously.

    s*x and masturbation with a f******n are far better, the way nature intended.

    Restoration won't restore 100% of the sensitivity stolen by male genital mutilation, but it will improve sexual sensitivity, ability and performance.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

    Just type in f******n restoration on your browser, you will see a lot of devices, sites and techniques.     The oils don't do anything but cost a lot of money.    Surgical techniques don't work, as the results don't look natural and there isn't any sensation in the grafted skin.

  5. Why don't you call on guys answering questions here to show you pics of their 'success' at restoring their own f******n's. You will probable find that it's not really possible. Sorry if you lost your f******n against your own will. I chose to be circumcised and wouldn't want to change it.
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