
f******n retraction - Hyper Sensitivity of p***s Head.?

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Okay guys.. I'm in a fix - Any help would be really appreciated!

I'm 18 & I had a f******n retraction problem - I couldn't pull back my f******n without experiencing any pain. Sometimes, the f******n would go past the half of the p***s head, but if I tried to stretch it more, it would pain. Today when I was having a bath, I randomly decided to pull the f******n - and to my surprise, it slowly went all the way up to behind the p***s head. The whole head was exposed and f******n had settled behind it giving the head a design like a mushroom. All well till here, but then whenever I poured water onto the p***s, it pained like h**l - I understand that it might be hyper sensitive since it was under the f******n for 18 years. All was well until now, but after the bath I had to be extra careful while cleaning myself dry - 'coz a slight touch would result in massive pain. I couldn't even let the head touch any cloth. Since I couldn't wear an underwear, I tried fidgeting with the f******n and tried pulling it to its original position - which it did somehow. Now it is at its original position, and everything is normal, but I have the following questions..

1) What should I do now? Should I try retracting the f******n again the next time I have a bath?

2) Will the sensitivity subside with time? Will it affect my s*x life in any way? (I'm still a virgin).

Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply,






  1. Azik you answerd your questions on your own by saying it had been coverd for 18 years and this was the first exposure of your head. as you shower more and expose it more it will loosethe sensitvity and you will eventually be able to touch and rub it. keep pulling back on the skin when you bathe so the f******n stays loose and gets looser. the skin should move back and forth freely on your unit that is the way it suppost to work


  2. 1) I recommend you pull it back and wash under there gently every time you bathe. Doing this will help loosen the f******n as well as keep you clean. Remember to pull it back to its original position if it doesn't go back automatically.

    2) Yes the sensitivity will subside in time. The glans is just used to being covered by the f******n so it's super sensitive. The more you touch it, the less sensitive it will get. Gently running water on it or rubbing it with wet fingers will help decrease the sensitivity.


  3. In short : yes you should continue gently retracting and yes the pain will subside in time. It will only affect your s*x life if you get one before you have completely loosened it up.

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