
Forex Automoney Review - Is there any user guide written by other Forex Automoney's user?

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This program looks very interesting. But as part of my due diligence I have a question before I sign up. Is there any user guide written by Forex Automoney's user? I don't want to buy a system and do not know how to use it properly. It is perfect if I can get a user guide written by other user.




  1. There is a ebook called "Forex AutoMoney Complete User Guide Plus", written by Levon Boghos who has been trading the Forex market for over 25 years.

    In this ebook: (From sale letter)

    -- My(His) personal Rules you must read and apply before you trade.

    -- Tell you the time zone when Forex AutoMoney will give out the most accurate daily signals. (not same as the proof picture above)

    -- The time zones you should avoid to open the position when you using the intraday strategy.

    -- Which day is the best day to open the position when you using the weekly strategy?

    -- Intraday strategy, daily strategy and weekly strategy. Which one is the best strategy for you?

    -- My(His) favor online brokers and currency pairs. (not same as the proof picture above)

    -- How to get free 1 on 1 support from Forex AutoMoney mentor until you earn your first US$500

    -- And Much Much More Inside...

    You can get this ebook as a bonus by sign up Forex Automoney through:

    I personally got a copy and the information in this ebook is very solid.

  2. Let me squeeze in between the advertising frenzy going on here. Programs do exist that can make money from FX I trade one but I created it myself. However, as soon as a strategy is discovered the nature of markets is that more and more people pile into the strategy until it no longer works. Therefore, it is USUALLY a better proposition to trade profitable systems than to sell them for peanuts and destroy your edge.

    I am extremely distrustful of any and all advertisers but that doesnt mean there arent any profitable ones. Look at independent sources for program rankings like

    Also I have noticed that even with on average profitable signals you can lose money trading due to human factors if you arent familiar with it. These programs arent ATM's they gain money and lose it, your risk and position size have to be optimized for the particular strategy. So you SHOULD know some basic trading before you can turn the printing presses on.

  3. Real Legit Profits in Forex trading is what everybody's dreaming of. I'm sure you too wouldn't mind earning good money at little effort. Forex AutoMoney is the Number 1 Forex trading signals generator that has been used by most trader. Are you looking for profitable income online? Forex AutoMoney will show you how to create substantial income by working at the comfort of your own home.

    What do you need to trade Forex?

    First thing you need to trade Forex is a computer (PC or MAC) with Internet access. You have a computer, right? It can even be a computer in an Internet cafe or library - it doesn't matter.

    The second thing is money. You must sell or buy other currencies using your money. But all you need is $1! Yes - you can start trading with just one dollar. You also need the membership but now Forex Autopilot has a promotion now and it's dirty cheap!

    The third, and the last needed is a knowledge when to sell or buy.

    Forex AutoMoney will give you 3 great trading strategies. You can make thousands of dollars each day just at the expense of a few clicks! You don't have to know anything about trading and you don't have to have any experience. That's really simple.

    Three great trading strategies are:

    Intraday - six times a day a buy or sell signal is generated.

    Daily - signals are generated once a day.

    Weekly - using these signals you can trade once a week.

    Of course you can use all 3 strategies, you can trade intraday and daily and weekly!

    Forex AutoMoney has its own financial specialists, mathematicians and programmers who have developed an innovative intelligent software which automatically analyzes currencies markets and determines when to buy or sell.

    Some people fear joining some automatic Forex trading signals generator providers because they think that if their signals were really good, why would they be selling their signals? That is definitely a wrong way of thinking, since these companies can earn even more money for themselves by selling their profitable signals rather than keep it to themselves. Their system is working in all countries of the world. Absolutely everywhere! I have not seen anything posted on Rip-Off Report about it.

    Forex AutoMoney has successful members from all countries of the world and they are full time workers, students, single moms, retired persons, and unemployed - just everybody. Because the system works everywhere and for everybody! And will also work for you.

    To read more Levon Boghos's review of ForexAutoMoney, click here: Levon Boghos is an experienced Forex trader. He has been trading the Forex market for over 25 years.

    Article Source:

  4. I wouldn't bother with it; just buy a quality trading system with a good reputation.

    But what you do (and what I did) is make sure the trading system has a 60 day money back guarantee first; then make sure you can use a demo account. A demo account let's you play the trading game with "play money" so you can see if you can profit from the trading system without investing your real cash.

    Use the demo account for 59 days and if you see you can make profit you keep the system and invest your real cash. If there's no profit to be made you get a refund and try another system; there's literally no risk when buying one.

    If you're interested I found reviews of the top 3 Forex trading systems: http://forex-funnel.the-perfect-solution...

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