
Forex is a good place to put your money in if you think the U.S Dollar is going to collapse?

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The fed is printing money out of the thin air, are debt is huge, and everything seems to be going down hill for are great nation. I just want to protect what I worked hard for.




  1. If you are afraid that the dollar is going to collapse, I would put my money into commodities, like gasoline and food and guns.  Oh, and I would keep them in my garage, not in the commodities markets, so I could get to them more quickly.

    If the U.S. economy implodes, we're all screwed.  Too much of the world's economy relies on the United States for it to collapse, and if it did, it would take much of the rest of the world with it.  Other countries would do their best to halt the collapse, putting them at risk as well.  It's sort of like the Titanic, once the U.S. goes down, the shock wave will suck down other economies in our wake.  There will be no safe store of value, except for maybe gold, and no one will have the real money left to buy it.  Think about the Weimar Republic in Germany after WWI, workers were paid twice a day and carried their money around in wheelbarrows to buy a loaf of bread.  And Germany at the beginning of the century was one of the economic titans in the world.  

    The prospect of the American economy is too horrible for the world to contemplate, and everyone in the world has a vested interest in keeping us going.  The U.S. economy isn't going anywhere, and if you think so, I would take more extreme measures than the ones you are proposing, such as buying a farm in a remote part of the country and becoming a survivalist.

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