On 7/29 my financee was supposed to receive a chk for a holiday he had worked. This check was due the beginning of july but it took time to get it processed after his job continually forgot to add it in with his regular pay. The check was mailed out but he never got it so he notified payroll a few times and eventually they sent him out the check.
Friday 8/29 we have return check fees and everything on our account due to the check not being good and when we contacted the bank they said it was due to a bad check. So we contacted his job and they said they would need a copy of the statement and would fix it and give him the amount when he came into work.
Today, 8/30 they come back and say that the check on 7/29 was mailed and cashed by someone else who forged his name. The payroll dept. has copies of both checks one that was forged with just a signature and the one that was initially deposited by my fiancee with his acct #, ssn, and stamped by his bank. The payroll dept. sent him an email saying that since they received notification that it was LOST in the MAIL, they "REISSUED" the check with the same check # again. WHY????
So my questions are:
1.What do we do and who is responsible for paying us back for these fees? (The payroll dept, our bank as part of fraud protection or whoever cashed it)?
2. The person who cashed the check obviosuly did not show i.d so how did they even get to cash it?
3. Do we need to file a police report?