
Forget Global Warming, what is this about FOOD SHORTAGES in the US?

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  1. There are more "signs" than just a food shortage that are in plain sight today for anyone with Scriptural knowledge to clearly see.

  2. Jesus is indeed coming as we can see from these signs but I have a question. Which country will he appear? Or which continent? I am simply confused.

  3. I actually laugh at this.  There is not a food shortage in the USA.  Food has been underpriced for almost 50 years now and it is way past time for a major correction.  h**l, our NUMBER ONE disease is being overweight not an issue of food shortage.  We have more than enough food for our needs.  Food is now part of entertainment costs, not part of our needs.  We still throw food an incredible amount of food away, folks.  When I see Mickey D trash cans that don't draw flies, then I'll start believing there is a food shortage.

  4. Ok, the real reason there is a food shortage is because crops are being used for ethanol fuels instead of being used for food.

    That's why food prices are going up as well. There's less of it for human consuption and more going to ethanol

  5. true, food are getting low or expenisive, like the rice, 1000 dollars just for 1 ton

  6. Thank you for posting this!  It is coming to pass just as Jesus Christ said it would in Revelation!  So many people have been asking that if God is indeed who He says He is, why doesn't He proove it?  Well, we are beginning to see answers to this question revealed today, so that no one is without excuse when He comes.  God bless you!!!

  7. The supply problems are real, yes--but so is the price gouging. Anyone who remembers the 1970's will be suffering from deja vu. First, it was the "energy crunch" caused by the "oil crisis". Then, stories of nature creating problems in Brazil fired the first of many "shortages"--the coffee shortage. This was followed by a meat "shortage", a sugar "shortage", a lettuce "shortage" and the list goes on. Prices were unreal, particularly for sugar and meat, as the middlemen saw their chance to make boocoos. At that time, Americans reacted with an attitude of "save and conserve". There were articles in popular magazines about how to get by with less, carpooling was all the rage, the "layered look" became fashionable as homes and businesses lowered their thermostats, and we were taught in school about saving heat, gas, etc.

    A few years down the road we discovered that in the case of meat, sugar, flour and other staples, the "shortages" were down to stockpiling and price gouging. We all remember the Enron scandal, and when the damage from Katrina was trumpeted as the source of a terrible energy crisis, I saw again the 70's in the making. Yes, there will be real roots to the problem, but we can rest assured that big businesses will be right there helping to empty our pockets. (The return to 70's fashions makes the deja vu effect all the more eerie for those of us who were there the first time!)

    These days, no one's buying compact cars, or even giving up their SUVs and minivans. People don't seem disposed to do without. They complain, oh yes, but no one seems to see that part of the solution at least is in our own hands.

  8. People are so gullible.  The Sam's Club announcement about a rice shortage is one of the greatest marketting ploys of all time.  How often did people used to go to the store to buy 4 bags of rice?  They do now.  And they are stocking up on everything else they can afford too.   Salesmen are the ones telling us there is a shortage, but agricultural experts report that the stocks are fine.  I drive around and see farms with stockpiles of food that they are holding back from market because the prices keep climbing.  Your religious histeria is what is leading us to disaster.

  9. In 1973, arabs rised oil prices, and America responded with a controlled devaluation.  Nothing happened then, America came out in good shape and in control of global economy.

    Now that Oil prices are soaring again, this is America´s answer.

    The supposed shortage of grains is a manouver to make american people think it´s for real. It´s only an economic stunt.

  10. there will be a problem with food shortages in the furture in both canada and the US. people are leaving their farms because they are offered large sums of cash to have their land turned into a subdivision, and the costs of keeping a farm are to little and the hours are too long. people just don't realize it until the problem hits them directly. food doesn't grow on trees and is magically picked by fairies that deliver it to the grocery store. sure their are other people out there that do a hard days work, but farmers have to work on their birthdays, christmas, easter AND holiday mondays, AND they are lucky to get a vacation every five years. they can't just get someone to fill in for them like most jobs. farmers usually involve their family and even then everyone puts in a 14 hour day. i was in the barn and working ever since i can remember. we need to start giving farmers a better deal now, or else we may have a serious problem in our hands! spend a day on any farm, and you will never wnat to go back again because the work is never done. and as i always say, DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!!!

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