
Forget her personality....Isn't anyone else turned off by Sarah Palin's DISHONESTY?

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I know that lots of you are understandably repelled by her personality, or by her willingness to kill an animal without needing it for survival. BUT WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE UPSET WITH THE OUTRIGHT LIES AND MISREPRESENTATIONS she has layed upon us in just two or three opportunities? (Pretending to be against earmarks when she herself hired a lobbyist to support them for Alaska on numerous occasions; pretending to be againt the "bridge to nowhere" when she fervently supported it before it became a public national issue; accusing Senator Obama of not having passed any significant legislation when--in fact--he has; misrepresenting Obama's tax plan as inferior to McCain's when The Tax Policy Center of the Brookings Institute analyzes Obama's to be the better of the two; letting Mike Huckabee get away with claiming she's received more votes than Biden--when, in fact, she hasn't even come close.)

The dishonesty just seems to go and on (to say nothing of her hypocrisy when it comes to social issues), so I wonder why people aren't concentrating more on this than they are on her personality or her looks or her delivery. While it's easy to agree that she has an annoying personality and delivery, isn't it more important to any of you that she's so dishonest at her core? It seems to me that that's a much more important issue when it comes to the job she's seeking.




  1. I think alot of republicans are ignoring these things because she has b*****s. For some reason they think she's just as good as hillary because she wears lipstick.  

  2. no we LOVE her...we think you are a communist sympathizer though (if this helps)...

    and a Barry lover calling ANYONE a liar is TRULY HILARIOUS....

  3. Yes I agree with you.It is scary that she is so close to power but not the right person.We do not need more of that The last 8 years is enough.

  4. I can't stand her and it shows that John McCain was more interested in pandering to the extreme right than anyone else.  I am disappointed in his choice.

  5. Her credibility is not good at all.  If McCain keeps saying he wants to end corruption, why would he choose someone who is under investigation?

    BTW - Her voice is annoying too.  

  6. No,....AREN'T MORE PEOPLE UPSET WITH THE OUTRIGHT LIES AND MISREPRESENTATIONS  that BO has lay-ed upon us ?I  am turned off big time by Obama's TOTAL DISHONESTY ! His dishonesty just seems to go and on and on.And i dislike his annoying personality his looks and his delivery ! his wanting to be king of the world and his star-dome comes before our country! His people think that he is god...LOL

  7. Whatever haters.  Oh yea and Obama's a racist, ask Rev Wright his buddy.  

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