
Forget or learn from the past what is best?

by Guest10757  |  earlier

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Forget or learn from the past what is best?




  1. ALWAYS learn from the past. Learn from your own experiences. Learn from your parents experiences. Annoying, I know, but with age comes experience.

    Don't assume that old farts like me don't know about life. Been there, done it, already made the mistakes. Now for heavens sake take heed. Nothing much changes in what Wilde called 'the human condition'. e.g. every generation thinks they invented s*x. How do you think you got here? Previous generations gave in to terrorists (IRA etc). Look where we are now. Learn the lessons. Then work it out for yourself.

  2. im still hurting about my past ive lernt from it ,, now im slowly moving on

  3. Learn, then forget!

  4. Learn from the past, it's no brainer that we all do something we aren't proud of, but we should remember that and not do again.  Sometimes forgetting will keep your mind off it, which would take some edge off any depression/strees (assuming it wasn't a good thing)

  5. learn from mistakes then you wont make the same problems

  6. Learn from the past......then learn to forget the past!!

  7. Learn from it and move on

  8. both, sometimes you have to forget some things of your past, and some times you must have learn alesson fron your past

  9. You learn and progress from your passed.

    Your past is the makings of your future

  10. why is this under the dancing section???

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