
Forget planting trees, is the answer to global warming to breed more plankton? Is plankton breeding hard?

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It has been proved by scientists that plankton produce more oxygen and consume co2 more efficiently than trees which take years to grow and manage, maybe plankton can be farmed commercially, as long as you keep the whales away! maybe (and this does seem cruel) we could also reduce the numbers of plankton eating animals, like whales etc? radical I know but all new ideas are!




  1. global warming has been takin too extreme. its way out of control the way in which the media have hyped it up. polar ice caps melt all the time wihtout the aid of global wraming its part of nature. during summer they collapse during winter they reform. we had record breaking temperatures alot in the past too and i mean way back in the past just sas much as now.

    get it sorted man quit worrying so much. i'm not saying global warming isnt present but it it isnt as extreme as the media and everyone is makin g it out to be

  2. we need to feed you to the whales,do you think trees only produce oxigen,

    what about overall global temperature ,like cooler days and warmer nights=trees

    what about making the rivers flow=trees

    what about inland rain and humidity=trees

    what about wood=trees

    what about shade=trees

    what about the building and origen of soil=trees

    what about fruits=trees

    medecins=many trees

    what about absorbing carbon =trees

    what about retaining the soil and guard against  wind ,sun and water erosian,=trees

    what about,stopping desertification=trees

    you should be shot for wanting to leave trees out

    with out trees this planet and all of the life on it dies

    much better radical idea is to sacrifice people like you to the gods ,and use the remains to compost the fields destroyed by irresponsible agriculture and combat population growth and the strain on food productioin and POTABLE WATER AT THE SAME TIME

    and we will only sacrifice enemies of the planet ,this way we get MORE responsible people ,get rid of bad elements,have an excuse for a lot of full moon parties,

    nobody could object to that (unless they are traitors ,and so become eligeble as food for the gods as well)and the gods would be over the moon

  3. Don't forget planting trees because if you don't plant trees more landslides will occur. so DON'T FORGET TO PLANT TREES, one tree consume more carbon dioxide than one plankton because it's bigger. therefore a million plankton consume less CO2 tha a million trees.

  4. One of the worrying unknowns about climate change, which may lead to a runaway situation, is that plankton will be killed by the increasing warming and increasing CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere leading to increased ocean acidity.

    Plankton like cooler waters, which is why whales etc frequent the artic/antartic regions, and the cold currents like the Humbolt. Animals eating the plankton will serve to lock up the carbon, eventually settling to the seeabed to form new oil deposits.

    Introduing Nitrate fertiliser into the marine eco-system leads to poisonous red algal blooms and de-oxygenation, loss of corals etc.

  5. It might help, but it's uncertain.  This is a big problem and we'll need to use all the tools.  There is no "magic" solution that will save us without some hard work.

    The main things are:

    Conserve energy

    Develop alternative energy: nuclear solar, wind, bio fuels.

    We can try to grow more plankton too.  If it works, it will help.  If not the other stuff is proven.  BTW, whales don't eat enough plankton to matter, so we can leave them alone.

    More stuff here:

  6. Interesting question. There are some scientist who believe that fertilizing the ocean will help remove Co2 from the atmosphere. The ocean appears to be a carbon sink, that is, it takes up more CO2 than it produces. There are several places in the ocean that are HNLC regions, High Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll. In short, that means there is lots of food, but little algae. Many think that iron is limiting this region and if we add iron, the algae will grow and suck down CO2.

    Of course, the data aren't that clear and if you closely examine the information, it isn't that straight forward. And as always, the greater impacts of such activity can not be predicted.

    Algae farming is going on right now. And many are looking to this as a method to remove carbon without wasting space food crops. they are much more efficient.

    As for removing planktivores. Not a good idea. they are all part of the ecosystem. And there activity actually helps to recycle the nutrients so the algae can keep growing. And everything else in the food web for that matter. The entire ocean depends on algae as the base of the food chain.

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