
Forgetting things on the job. Does it happen to everyone? I know it does me.

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I have worked many jobs and tend to forget things from time to time. Am I the only one like this or does it happen to everyone. I do almost on a day to day baises and sometimes will go days without a problem. Is this normal? I want a job in an office but afraid I will do stupid things or forget things, but maybe I am just trying to be to perfect. What do you think?




  1. its called stress, take a break

  2. Everyone forgets things. We're human. No one is perfect. Depending on your job, you can do many things. Carry around a small notepad and a pen. Or if you're at a desk, have sticky notes. If you're out and around, you can use a phone, to type in messages. Just take it easy, and take your time. If you need a second to recollect, take it. Sure people might be a little impatient sometimes, but it's better to get it done right then forget and get it done wrong, or not done at all.

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