
Forgetting too much ?why is that ?

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i forget as if i have no brian ,and get blamed for that ,its so werid and bad if i talk with someone i just turn myself and forget *my mother says i m careless and relaxed too much*and this is not true i forget no matter how hard i try to remember and squeeze my mind

i have hypothyroid and i take pills for it so i must concentrate more

what`s happening to me its so weird




  1. Memory loss is a well known part of hyperthyroidism, and is one of the chief reasons you should get your blood levels checked regularly and keep up with your meds. My daughter has it and was very worried about this and there's a helpful article about it here

    It can be made worse by the fact that the hormones produced by and overactive thyroid can affect iron and B12 levels which are vital to healthy brain/nerve function so make sure you eat properly and /or take supplements.

    Don't beat yourself up about it- you're not stupid and it's not your fault. Keeping and eye on blood levels is the most important thing but  practicing and memory games can help to improve memory too.

  2. I had to have my TSH levels checked several times before they got my meds adjusted right. Remember it takes several weeks for the meds to work. I could always tell when my dosage needed increased because I would start forgetting things.  

  3. You know, the real reason why people forget things, is because they dont find those things that interesting to begin with.Maybe you are a relaxed person, so what, thats good, is,nt it.The thyroid gland is either overactive or underactive,this can make a big difference in the way we feel about things.Your taking medication for your problem, what else can you do, except, maybe try a little harder to concentrate on what people say to you, wish i were as laid back as you.

  4. What's happening to you isn't weird. Memory loss is a symptom of Hypothyroidism. I have it, and i have the same problem. Don't be so hard on yourself...Hugs :-)

  5. I think you are having some psychological-problemm.

    Of cource it needs a serious attention at this stage.

    I don't know your age but if you are young just discuss the the problem with your parents.

    An eary solution can be obtained from consulting to a psycologist.

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