I connected the stereo in my car about a year ago and I put a code on it, now that I want to change the stereo into my pick up, it is asking for the code and I cant remeber it. I tried many but I can't seem to get the right one.Would any one know if I could reset the code and how?hello, I just purchased this truck about three months ago, i needed a new battery and after replacing the duck said code. I then called the guy i purchased the vehicle from and he said he dose not have nor could remember it. so ouch i don't have a radio. is there a master reset or a master code? any help would be great. the nubers on the sterio are, 51201174 also y21-5310-12 modle # kdc-mp528the previous owner doesnt know the code for Kenwood KDC-4019 with serial number of y-22-9150-16. is there a master reset?