
Forgot to put breaded chicken in the fridge; left outside for ~9 hours at room temp. Safe to eat?

by  |  earlier

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yes, cooked.




  1. Dude, I've eaten tons of thing left out longer than that. Just warm it up in the oven. LOL. Great question.

  2. no don't eat it its been out that long but you can fry one to see but just don't it

  3. Well it's your stomach, me I probably wouldn't eat it.

  4. Nope. It's only safe to eat two hours at room temperature.

  5. Absolutely not, the fact that you are leary is always a pretty good indication.

  6. no no no no no no no no no no no no ew ew ew ew ew ew ew, you might want to make friends with your toilet if you do.

  7. No.

    According to the FDA and all food handling guides I'm aware of, the answer would be definitely not. The "danger zone" for food is usually given as 40F-140F (sometimes given more precisely as 41F-135F). You should not leave food in this range for more than two hours.

    No, you will not necessarily get sick, and I've certainly eaten my share of food left out for much longer than two hours. However, it would be irresponsible to advise anyone to eat food that has been left out for that long a period of time. Just because somebody has anecdotal experiences of eating room temperature food and not getting sick doesn't mean this is a smart thing to do.

    Chuck it.

  8. Don't not eat it, you will get sick.  Food left out at room temperature for more than four hours is no good.  Bacteria grows on food and chicken is one of the worst leaving it our allows bacteria like salmonella to grow.  If you eat the chicken you will get food poisoning and need to be hospitalized with some very bad reactions, vomiting stomach cramps, head aches, nausea and dairrea, this could possibly kill young children beside making adults sick.

    So throw it out.


  9. NO!!!!

  10. no way mate don't go there or you may have a sickie you can't remember taking. if feeling sick is favoured by you go ahead but it may take your life if your lucky, the pain and agony of food poisoning is compared to giving birth while suffering bullet wounds. staycool

  11. If it was cooked then I'm sure it's fine.  I'd eat it.

  12. My grandma would eat it, but I would toss it in the can.

  13. after 4 hours it is supposed to be thrown away. would i eat it? Yes it will be a very little bit bacteria laden but not enough to impact my health. my mouth has more bacteria then that chicken sandwich. That chicken sandwhich was cooked to 160 before it was laying on that counter for 9 hours wasn't it? Hoping you aren't asking about a raw chicken sandwhich. If you are going to reheat it the internal temp need to be 10 degrees hotter than the initial cooking temp was.

  14. No. Even your cat would get sick.

  15. Dear gods no!  Anything higher than 40 degrees and you're asking for trouble. I'd pitch it, were I you.

  16. It doesnt sound safe to many and not according to the general rule; but if it was freshly cooked and left it unfridged for that long, i will re-cooked (or re-fried) it to be safe to eat (for me and my chicken-eating dog only!).

  17. Nope, I wouldn't eat it. Doesn't sound safe to me.

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