
Forgot wallet at hotel?

by  |  earlier

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I was in a hurry and left it on the bed (or somewhere near it). It has my student card and some money, I really need it back. I'm typing up an email to the hotel (Minto Suites in Ottawa, which is a six hour drive from where I live), but now I'm hesitant to send it. I have my address there and everything, but will they actually give it back? I politely inquired for at least one of the two items in there, but probably they're not going to do anything about it (pretend they're busy forever and never reply).

Should I send it, or is there another way? I cannot get there (ever again, it would seem) so please don't tell me to go back and get the room again (it would've been taken).

Thankyou very very much if you choose to help.




  1. Yea, I would find the hotel's number and call them up. Give as much detail as you can about your wallet, i.e. the description of the wallet, what contents were in it, what important cards were in there, and where you last left it. Hope they can help you. You can sue if the housekeeping staff 'stole' it, as your wallet is an item for 'lost and found' and no one else can claim it's theirs except security.

  2. CAll the hotel right away and tell them.  Even if the moany is gone there may be a chance of gettint your I.D. back.  Just call.   They should have a toll-free number.

  3. It is probably gone already. Those housekeepers are thieves and/or are in dire need of money because the hotel is too cheap to pay them. They just see your wallet as a courtesy tip.

  4. I agree with calling them. What other option do you have?

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