
Formatting fixes for Word documents converted to HTML?

by  |  earlier

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When I format a document in Word (2000) and then save it as an HTML file, some of the formatting goes crazy and doesn't look anything like I set it. I know text wrapping will change. But images do not show up where I place them, at all. Are there any good tutorials out there that will help me with this? Any suggestions from anyone else who has had the same problem? I'm trying (for the first time) to create a CHM Help file from a Word document with tons of screenshots and images in it. I can't pay for conversion software so I convert them to HTML and then found free software to convert from HTML to CHM. But the formatting is so messed up that images aren't aligned with text the right way and the conversion software won't let me alter picture placement at all. Is there better (free) software out there, or another answer to this problem? Thanks everyone for your help!




  1. If you know HTML you can adjust the code to get the alignment you want before converting to a help file.

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