
Former Arsenal legend Thierry Henry receives an overwhelming ovation at Emirates Stadium – MLS News

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Former Arsenal legend Thierry Henry receives an overwhelming ovation at Emirates Stadium – MLS News 
Major League Soccer franchise New York Red Bulls were invited to the Emirates Cup for the first time in the competition’s five-year history. The Americans managed to win the first game against Paris Saint-Germain 1-0 and drew the second match 1-1 against
Arsenal FC to lead the table with four points, taking the cup oversees to the US.
Although the second game against the Gunners ended in a stalemate, there were still many points to take note of. The skipper of the American outfit,, played for the first time against his former club, where he still remains a legend.
In his eight-year stay, Henry ruled the English Premier League with his blistering goalscoring feats, scoring a whopping 226 goals in 370 outings. Even though the player has left the English side, his remains a cult figure amongst the Gunners faithful, as
evident by the rapturous applause and the standing ovation he was given.
This weekend was full of emotional moments for the former player. The leading goalscorer of all time for the Gunners was applauded throughout the game.
“It was kind of weird; the fans were all cheering for me when I had the ball,” Henry said. “Then I am clapping them while I am playing at the same time. It was weird. I have a strong love for the club and have a great understanding with the fans here.”
The arena was rumbling with Henry’s name. Time after time the crowd shouted “Welcome home Thierry” in coherence. The player was overwhelmed with the reception and what topped that was the decisive draw that that resulted in the first foreign title to RBNY’s
However, the player diverted the attention of league and expressed that the cup-win would serve as a confidence boost. “At the end of the day, we came here to compete,” Henry said after that match. “It was a friendly tournament, but the win is good for us.
We are fighting to get into the playoffs in our conference. It is a good result for the MLS as a league and obviously for the Red Bulls.”
The former AS Monaco player played a big hand in creating the equalizer. After receiving the ball 30 yards out, the player dribbled towards the penalty area and fed left-back with a brilliant through pass. From an almost impossible angle, the
defender crossed the ball, which deflected off the Gunners’ defender Kyle Bartley’s leg and ended up in the back of the net.
Even though the goal couldn’t win Arsenal the cup, the crowd still cheered Henry for making the play with a brilliant pass.



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