
Former Australian rugby player Pat Howard joins Cricket Australia – Cricket News Update

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Former Australian rugby player Pat Howard joins Cricket – Cricket News Update
More overhauling comes on the top ranks of Cricket Australia (CA) after the nation’s former international rugby player, and Australian Rugby Union High Performance Unit General Manager, Pat Howard, joins the set-up as the newly found General Manager of Team
Commenting on the new appointment, CA’s Chief Executive,, said that the Board was happy to have Howard on Board, and that despite he does not hold a cricket background, but his experience under the department would add in great contribution
to the set-up.
“We are delighted that and was a high performance
GM with the ARU”, said Sutherland.
The Chief Executive also added that apart from Howard’s experience to oversee a team’s high performance, but with a strong background in many other industries, including Pharmaceuticals, and real estate, will all be beneficial for CA.
The need for the Board to appoint for the new role came soon after the recommendations of the recent Argus Review in August and the Australian Team Performance Review (ATPR).
Previously, the Australian cricket fraternity went through a thorough phase of overhauling as well as reshuffling of players and officials; after the national team went through some disappointing cricket seasons, especially since the last, defeated Ashes
For now, CA is taking up all possible measures in order for the Aussie national squad, under the Captaincy of, to regain its previously held might under the sport – which is why the Board had to bring on board Howard, in order to keep a constant
check on the team’s performance.
As part of his first assignment with CA, Howard will be responsible for overseeing the appointment of Australia’s new Coach as well as selection panel, and that the team’s Skipper, Coach, support staff and selectors will all have to report to the former
rugby star.
“His priority will be ensuring that all of Australia’s High Performance cricket programs dovetail in a manner that helps us produce the best men’s and women’s teams in the world”, confirmed Sutherland.



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