
Former Hillary supporters. Will you join force with McCain supporters to do what is right 4 this country ?

by  |  earlier

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Former Hillary supporters and McCain supporters together can save America.




  1. Yep, here I am, former Democrat, that I was. The DNC got too far out in left field even for me. I suppose, truth be told, I have never been a die hard Dem, since I have voted for people in both parties. (Note, I said People, not Party). I just don't understand the mentality of those who will only vote for one party or the other. There are good people in both parties and I'm sure I will continue to vote across party lines. However, this election I will not be voting for a Democrat for President, since they have no one with any credibility to offer.

  2. To the best of my knowledge, there are approx. 2 million of us who are supporting John McCain. I feel certain that there are a lot more who just haven't gone public with the fact that they will support McCain. We have to join together to keep this country safe and free.

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