
Former Jehovah's Witnesses, what are your beliefs now?

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What do you believe in regards to who goes to heaven, will the earth remain and people live here? Wondering what your different beliefs are in regards to things like this...thanks!




  1. Just because I have figured out that JWs are NOT the truth, doesn't mean that it is now my responsibility to come up with all the answers of the universe.

    JWs keep their people in the Borg by misapplying the words in the Bible, "where else can we go?" They challenge their members to find something better.

    Well, the very notion of a "true religion" ignores the fact that there simply may be no 'true religion." The concept of a true religion originates with the religions who claim to be the true religion.

    That's like me saying, "Pampalampadoos know all the truth in the universe. OK, who is the true Pampalampadoo? ME! that's whoo? If you find a better Pampalampadoo, then by all means go follow that Pampalampadoo. pampoalampadoos are the truth."

    What is a Pampalampadoo? What makes you think that the Pampalampadoo has all the answers in the universe? The Pampalampadoo says so, that's why!

    There is no such thing as a true religion. They are ALL FALSE. The very idea of a religion was invented by some dude a really long time ago, a human person.

    I'm not saying I have proof that there is no God, I am just saying that even if there is one, there is no evidence that HE/she/it wants people to be in a religion, or even be religious about him.

    It is the PERSONAL quest of each person to seek the truth. No one person can claim to have the monopoly on truth, no one religion can either.

    so why leave one religion just to fall into another religion? The nature of religion is following what some dude says. Why should I believe what some dude says? He's just a dude like me. Who says he knows better than me what the truth is? HE says that's who! Some dude says that he has the truth. Why should I believe some dude. He's just a dude.

    Believe what you have personally experience as truth, not what you read in some book by some dude.

    All books, even the Bible, were written by some dude.

    Wait! The Bible was written by God!

    Really? Who told you that?

    The Bible.

    Oh, so some dude wrote in the Bible that the Bible was not really written by the dude, but was written by God.. and you believe him? Why?

    Because the Bible says all these prophesies and they came true in the Bible.

    So, the Bible says that the prophesies that the Bible says are true? Why do you believe the Bible when the Bible says that the Bible is true?

    Because the Bible says that it is true, that's why!

    It is impossible to believe in the Bible without committing the logica fallacy of begging the question. Look up "begging the question" in a book on logical fallacies if you don't know what I am talking about.

  2. I am an active JW. I can't answer for them. But I believe some that left started believing fiery h**l, trinity and immortality of soul. Observance of Pagan celebration also became acceptable to some. Even interfaith.

    Some has still same beliefs, but decided to worship Jehovah on their own chosen way.

    Read John 6:68-69


    The answers of exJW has just confirmed my answer and understanding about them =)

    But I still believe not all ex JWs are like them

  3. The ex-jw's this is your story and not those that are still JW's or still in that belief system.  The answers that I see from those that are not ex-jw's is very judgmental and as expected by those in a cult.  Self denial so that they must put those in disbelief down in oder to placate their own misgivings. Jehovah's Witnesses, you sell yourself as the only ones in the truth.  This is a fallacy on your part.  If you have bible truth and it changes (new light) it makes the old light untrue.  So the more you have new light, the more it proves that you are not in the truth.  You call them apostates because they leave your faith, but who is really the apostate?  The ones whom leave or the ones who proclaim that they are the ones in truth but are false?  JW's cling to a false teacher and to false ideal of truth.  Those whom leave that false religion can now find the real truth.  Are they in the truth?  I doubt that you will find any that say they are the only ones in the truth.  But they have found real faith and the real Jesus.  

    Not a JW and never will be and thank God for that.    

  4. JW answers are so sickening...and their attitudes ALONE prove to me that I was deceived growing up as one!

    I find it really hard to believe that a hundred year old group that has been changing getting new lights all along the way...are the ONLY ones that will live forever and everyone else is going to die!  All I have seen is hypocrisy among them.  I have seen the same very loving "friends" turn bitter and nasty in the blink of an eye.  I have seen people falsely disfellowshipped, I've heard more gossip as a JW than I ever have since!  JWs are the most judgemental group out there because their heads are full of rubbish that they are told is "the truth" and it goes straight to their egos.

    I believe that God loves us all and if we seek him, he will find us!  I believe that when you leave a group of men in charge of your leaves too much room for false interpretation!  I believe that we all are accountable for our actions.  I believe that we must take what learn in our lives and use them to become better people and if we continue to strive to do what is good in the eyes of God...HE will judge us accordingly!  What about humility?....hard to learn that when your ingrained with an 'us vs. them' mentality!  What about love?  For ONLY those in your group?  

    For the record...I never had a problem preaching!

  5. I don't really think about who is going to heaven or whether we stay on earth.

    It is obvious to me we will be where Jesus is !

    My beliefs really aren't mine per say !

    I asked God to reveal Himself to me and He did !

    Turned my life upside down in fact !

    I believe, Jesus is God.

    The 144,000 are literally what the Bible says.

    There will be a millennial reign.

    Jesus paid for all sin and owns us !

    The Spirit of God is in us and leads us into all truth !

    The Spirit of God Changes us and makes us useful for His purpose and quite literally becomes our purpose !

    God made promises to Israel and God will fulfill them !

    There is no other way to be saved other than Jesus !

    Of course there is much more !

    EDIT: I have this habit of answering questions before I read answers ! LOL !

    In fact, I find Preaching to be most desirable and I pray that I could do it full time !

    I love to share the Gospel of Jesus !

    It is my Hearts desire !

    I could not speak or share until He gave me the ability to do it !

    I had evidence of His Spirit in me overnight !

    I was undone !

  6. I believe what the bible says .

    And there is nothing else that has more Autority than that of the Word of G_D.

    Not the Watchtower

    or the publications that are replicas of other publications published in the past with afew changes here and there.

  7. I basically believe what Worker believes.I do have a wonderful place to worship and learn.I go to a Messianic synagogue.I have learned to read in Hebrew there .I have learned the customs of the times that Jesus walked the earth which helps me to see some teachings and understand them the way they were meant to be understood.I have a wonderful extended family that look out for one another and never desert you when you have a need.Our congregation is small but does more for each other and for people in need then congregations that are 5x their size. The truth is in their hearts not  just in there heads. I have learned to respect all of what the bible taught  not to discard any as not applying to me in someway and through the process of dietary  laws I have brought down the levels of cholesterol in my blood and completely overcame gastric bowel problems without medication.True we are not under these laws but they are beneficial and God tells us nothing that is not good for us.Also I have learned that the so called star of David that is considered a pagan worship symbol is in reality the two D's in ancient Hebrew intertwined that was on His banner when they warred and went into battle they carried their banner(flag) in front of them  that stood for the Kingdom of David .the ancient D is a perfect triangle and it is actually called a Maegan David not a star of David at all,and is not a pagan symbol as some teach.Neither is having a mazuzah on ones door a silly superstition it is commanded to write the law on the dooposts of your house in scripture..I am happy to say I have not found anything that does not line up with scripture where I attend.And people live the bible not just preach it We study the bible not bible aids..

  8. Like they really are going to tell you.

    EDIT:  I believe most are not in any other religion, because subconsciously they know the truth where they first learned it.  Its just that preaching is not appealing.

  9. To Whom shall we go?  To an organization? Certainly not!!!

    To Jesus!!!

    Many who have left the JWs have been side-tracked by their own pain and/or the pleasures of the world.  Many continue down self-distructive paths that do not line up with God's Word.  But, they tend not to be as vocal as those of us who have turned our lives over to Jesus, because we recognize that we are still called to spread Biblical truths, and to make disciples!  

    So for those of who would now be labeled as "evangelical protestants," we still adhere to Biblical morality. We've lived a hard life as JWs now,and are prepared to do so for God, instead of for the "governing body!" We've served men before, so most of us avoid denominations like the plague! lol

    (However, there does seem to be a trend towards former JWs attending Calvary Chapels --which are pretty much a chain of non-denominational churchs-- because of their method of sharing from the Bible which prevents "scripture twisting" making them a "safe" place to start. Personally, I have been a regular attender at two CCs and visited 3 others. I have also been a regular attender at a baptist church, but never a "member.")

    We are all at different stages of our walk with God and study of the Scriptures. This is a slow process because we first have to sort through everything we've been taught and figure out what the Bible really says before we can begin to learn the deeper things of God.  Some of us still struggle with questions like "Is Jesus God?" or "Is hellfire real?" and it can take years of studying and praying to find the answer.  Since many of us have walked farther down the path, and we understand where others are coming from, we tend to encourage them to focus on grace, not doctrines that make your head spin!  As a JW, we were taught that we were EARNING our salvation, and grace was down-graded to "undeserved kindness."  When we accept the true gospel of Grace, then we are born of the Spirit.  And it is the Spirit who will guide us into "all truth".... not a group of men!

    "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." (John 3:5-7 KJV)

    "But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26 KJV)

    "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." (John 16:13 KJV)

  10. I was a JW as a child and still am as an adult.  I do not go in for mushy stuff.  So it pains me to say this now.

    The teachings and love did not penetrate your heart.  So you just floated along on the surface of the truth.  Ready to float off at any wind that came by.

    Yech!  I hate mushy analogizes!  But this is accurate.

    You did not feel the love as you never allowed it.  Now I can't go to meetings because of my health.  I do feel the love at all of them over the phone link.  I hear it every time before and after the meetings with the sounds of the crowds.  I just got the DVDs of the District Assembly this summer.  The love of all people regardless of race, place or origin was easily seen in the audience

    I feel the personal love that if I ever needed something, someone from the congregation would go out of their way to get it or do it for me.  Talk is plenty cheap but actions go all the way.

    You are upset now and I know why.  Where can you go?  You know enough that when other religions open their mouths, you know they are false.  You remember what the Bible says and will not forget easily.

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