
Former n**i leaders were tried at Nuremberg by?

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a US military tribunal

the courts of the new West German government

a special international court

the UN international court of Justice




  1. A special international court.

  2. A special international tribunal - the likes of which had never been seen before - because the horror these men perpetrated upon this planet had never been seen before. I know this is your homework - but learn the TRUTH.

    Four Judges - U.S.A., Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union.

    This is where great minds developed "Crimes Against Humanity" which also had never been used before.

    Now we seem to be being deluged by "Holocaust Deniers" who are using Yahoo Answers to spread their hatred of Jews. I am now reporting anyone who even HINTS that it didn't happen. This is a lie and is probably being believed by many who don't know any better. It's not THEIR fault. The cretins who are doing this are getting exactly what they want - an audience to spread their racist propaganda. If it were Germany - they'd be thrown in jail.

    If this were Germany in the 1930's - you'd be seeing exactly how Hitler and his henchmen got their start. Hitler, bin Laden, the Ku Klux Klan, Rwanda, Sudan - it's all the same - they now have the benefit of the Internet to try to trick people and if we don't stand up and deny their DENIAL - we're just as guilty as they are.

    It MUST be stopped. They're probably 17 year old German boys who spend a lot of time in the shower with photos of Holocaust victims in one hand.

    Next they'll be saying it's okay to bomb synagogues, or maybe this time Catholic Churches or the Boy Scouts.


  3. He;s right. But it was basically a puppet court. We already knew the verdicts. It was hardly a surprise. We also put people like Speer, who didn't do a darn thing wrong, on trial.

  4. international court,  

    its interesting but not surprising, questions why some of the Allies who were guilty of some of the same or equally heinous war crimes weren't tried at all.

  5. special international court

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