
Former POW's support McCain, shouldn't you?

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There are 24 of them here, the men who went through h**l with John McCain in Vietnamese prison camps four decades ago.

A few are politicking and organizing, but most are here simply to support the man they say represents a choice for America between honor and image.

"There is a waning sense of honor and duty ... and that is troubling. And this election may be all about that very thing," said Orson Swindle, who was a cellmate with Mr. McCain for two years in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" prison camp.

"Do we want to have an 'American Idol' election, or do we want to elect a man who is capable of doing great things and solving big problems?" said Mr. Swindle, one of several speakers who will formally nominate Mr. McCain for president Wednesday.

Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, is viewed by Mr. McCain's "band of brothers" with a mixture of paternal condescension and disbelief that the younger man has drawn massive popular support.

"In my mind, there's no choice. [Mr. McCain is] so well-qualified, better than the opposition," said Dave Wheat, 68, of Duluth, Minn., who was shot down in October 1965 and imprisoned by the Viet Cong for more than seven years.




  1. I would support him if he was qualified to be president.  But even at the RNC it was pointed out that being a POW did not qualify him to be president.

    If you think he is best qualified, that is one thing, but supporting him out of sympathy is another thing.

    If we really wanted a war hero, why not someone like Audie Murphy.  There are several good men with congressional medals of honor and silver stars out there.

  2. I am not gonna lie, I am a little offended that McCain picked Palin. What a mistake! He should have picked General Colin Powell.

  3. Are you saying we should vote for McCain just because he is a former POW? That's a h**l of a way to pick a president. Although he is trying his best to convince people that it's reason enough. Looks like he's got you onboard with that logic.

  4. John McCain's POW experience is only one point to look at when determining if he's qualified to President.  I find knowing his character has been tested and he passed the test with Red, White and Blue flying colors is important. Obama's character is showing he has poor judgement on who he brings into his circle.  The issues are easy.  You either agree with one or the other.  Character is harder to test.  

  5. If your a republican, then you should support McCain.

    If you are a democrat, then why would you support McCain ?

    McCain's status as a former POW, has nothing to do with his abilities to be a good president.

    McCain in 2008 !!!!!!!!!

  6. Im not sure. My grandfather was in the Army though and he supports him.

  7. I agree with you!  The stories told last night brought me to tears.  McCain proved his mettle in Vietnam.  We need men of character in that office. (Women too!)  Something this town has a serious lack of.

  8. Yes, but we lost the Vietnam war!

  9. I agree!!!

    Vote for experience, patriotism, keep America free and safe...

    McCain 08!!

  10. if you think that age necessarily means having experience, then go for it. the problem is no old person was responsible for moving humanity forward. i doubt that mccain will last until the end of his term, if he gets elected. he is already slipping and the only people who really listen are either brainwashed republicans either old people within inches of death.

  11. Bravo!. What an intelligent way to select a president. Perhaps, you should ask every POW to run for Congress too.

    If you vote for McCain, I'm pretty sure that you will become POW's of your own government too, ha-ha-ha!.

  12. If that's the case, then maybe I should have voted for John Kerry too, since I'm also a vet.  Or maybe all black people should vote for Obama.  All women should write in a Hillary vote.  

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