
Former Pittsburgh Steelers WR Hines Ward retires after trying chances on free agency-NFL News

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Former Pittsburgh Steelers WR Hines Ward retires after trying chances on free agency-NFL News
The realisation of having difficulties in finding a team off the free agency has finally dawned upon former Pittsburgh Steelers’ wide receiver, Hines Ward, and he has wisely decided to call it quits ending his professional league run well with the line that
he always wanted to be a Steeler till the very end of his career.
Steelers released Ward a week earlier and the player refused to feel the time to announce retirement from the game. He opted to show resilience and take chances while trying an opportunity off the free agency.
According to some analysts, it was not going to be easy for the player to find a suitor given that he was already nearing the end of his career, and above all, was down in the form for the last couple of seasons.
He was left out of the squad in the later part of 2011-12 National Football League (NFL) season and did not join the team till the end of it.
His departure looked to be imminent due to pertaining salary cap issue of the team. Soon after the regular season, they had hinted at release of some of the veterans, especially those who were on higher salary packages.
To avoid the waiver, Ward had offered to accept a redone deal from the team, but was not given that option and cut instead.
After realising that another opportunity was not there for him, he opted to try free agency to move elsewhere in the league.
In spite of spending more than a week in the market, no team was said to be interested in the player.
Finally, he announced retirement from the league to what he said finish his career while being a Steelers.
He said:
"I just wouldn't feel right. I can say I'm a Steelers for life and that's the bottom line, that's all I've really ever wanted."
The 36-year-old Ward has played consecutive 14 years for Steelers and was seen due to call it quits anytime. Before coming to that point, Steelers released him to save about $8 million in two years left on his contract.
While announcing his emotional departure on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, he laughed off the question of returning to the NFL in a coaching role.
Meanwhile, the executive vice president of the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), DeMaurice Smith, has congratulated the player over his successful career.
He said:
"On behalf of the NFL players, I want to congratulate Hines on an extraordinary career. I know he will continue to be a leader and example to our men."
Almost similar views were expressed by the teammates who have played with the player.



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