
Former Washington Redskins’ safety, Matt Bowen, comes to Gregg Williams’ rescue – NFL News

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Former Washington Redskins’ safety, Matt Bowen, comes to Gregg Williams’ rescue – NFL News
The reports surrounding the usage of bounty system to encourage National Football League (NFL) defensive players to hit the opponents and earn a monetary reward have stirred the observers.
The bounty system, alleged to be the brainchild of defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams, has received criticism from virtually every corner.
Williams has also received the same treatment and has been brought in the line of fire by media, fans, players and league officials, but former Washington Redskins’ safety, Matt Bowen, has publicly expressed his support for the coach.
Bowen, who played under Williams when the coach was with Redskins, has alleged that Williams is not the only one to allure the players with such rewards.
In an interview to The Washington Post, he admitted that it was an ill practice, but he maintained that Williams is not the only one who has his hand dirty in this matter.
He said:
“It’s an ugly tradition. I’m not proud of it.”
He added:
“But the NFL is a small window of opportunity. The normal rules don’t apply. People are angry about this and I can see why from the outside. But I guarantee Gregg Williams isn’t the only one who did this. He’s just taking the fall.”
Williams has served Tennessee Titans, Buffalo Bills, Washington Redskins, Jacksonville Jaguars, New Orleans Saints and is working with St. Louis Rams at present.
A few days ago, NFL revealed that Saints had been use such a foul tactic to motivate their players to strike the opponents.
The reports also said that the coaches were also completely aware of the wrong doings.
It promoted Williams to apologise for the 'pay for performance' programme he introduced at Saints.
He said:
“I take full responsibility for my role. I am truly sorry. I have learned a hard lesson and I guarantee that I will never participate in or allow this kind of activity to happen again."
Despite the apology from the coach admitting his guilt, Bowen has paid high regards to Williams. He said of Williams:
“He’s the best coach I ever had. I’ll still say that.”
It is an utter disaster for the league to see such malpractice going on. The trouble increases when players like Bowen show up and support this ill practice that has badly hurt the reputation of the sport.
As the time progresses, it is certain that more aspects of this story will be revealed and the league might have to take some drastic measures to control this misconduct.



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