
Former president lyndon johnson felt that the most important first step in the war against poverty is ?

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Former president lyndon johnson felt that the most important first step in the war against poverty is ?




  1. Wealth redistribution.

  2. This shows that, the US President was aware of the problems within the US and out side the US being the World POWER at that time?  If so than, is it not Shame on the US POLITICIANS not taking appropriate steps to curb the POVERTY? or  programme to control the situation? insted a heavy INVESTMENTS on WAR EQUIPMENTS, and Personnels developed, to fight at IRAQ / AFGHANISTAN, and not to forget the LOST WAR  from US the VIETNAM?. But people of US went further ignoring all this? a shame and dissappointment for HUMAN RIGHTS WORLD WATCHERS?

  3. I don't think he's in a position to answer that.

  4. Steal the money from the social security trust and put it in the general fund.

  5. Throwing tax payer money at it - I believe about 6 trillion dollars over the last 40 years.  Has it worked?  According to the graph below, the percentage of poor in this country is basically unchanged since shortly after Johnson signed the bill in 1965.  So nope - money does not look like the solution.

  6. No clue, but I'm a HUGE fan of Eugenics, so I don't care to help the poor, needy, reproducing parasites of America.

    Call me heartless but Welfare needs a serious overhaul!

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