
Former smoker question #2: when do you miss cigarettes the most?

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I quit a year ago. I spend 2+ hours a day on the road commuting to the office. Boy oh boy do I miss puffing while sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic -- took the edge off the road rage - LOL!

Where was your favorite place / situation to smoke? And how do you cope without?

I keep the Dentyne brand in business. I've chewed enough sugar free peppermint to cover the bottoms of desks at least 3 or 4 good sized public high schools.




  1. I quit 3 years ago this September on my birthday. I used the patch and it worked great. I had no craving at all. I still don't. The only time I sometimes miss smoking is while I'm on the phone and with my coffee in the morning.I do have a lot more energy and can take a walk without getting out of breath.It was the best thing I ever did for my health.

  2. At work with co-workers. I now stay at my desk and work instead of smoking. It seems to help because you must change your habits when you stop killing yourself.

  3. I miss in first thing in the morning while walking my dog. I smoked outside because I have a son, so this was always my favourite time. Still miss it sometimes...been 3 years.

  4. Congratulations!!!  I am so proud of you.  Keep it up - One Day at a Time.

    once in a while when I am outdoors in the fresh air, I will catch the smell of a Marlboro and think - Ooo, that smells good.  Instantly I come to my senses.  It stinks and was killing me.  This happens every couple of years.  I am 20 years from my last nicotine.

    I know quitting smoking was the single best thing I could have done for myself.  After meals was tough the first couple of years.  Why not listen to some calming music or a cd of humor while on the freeway?

    Or move here to New Mexico where there are no freeways.  

  5. when my kid has to go to the hospital

  6. I miss it the most when I smell smoke on someone.

    I  love the smell of cigarettes.  Must be  Marlboro Man thing.

    My favorite cigarettes: the first cup of coffee, after dinner,

    starting the car  and ....... lol.

    It's been almost ten years since my last cigarette.

  7. I've been smoke-free for 20 years now but as I recall, I missed smoking most when I was nervous.  Smoking used to calm me down, give me something to do with my hands in situations when I was very uncomfortable (like extended family gatherings involving 3 generations of relatives).  I was never a day smoker because several time I almost burned up papers on my desk that I needed; I was mostly a night chain smoker so at night when I was relaxing I'd missing smoking.  But I'm glad I quit and no longer have that dependency kicking me in the rear.

  8. I quit ten years ago. I was in good health when i quit. One of the smartest thing I've did. And i don't miss it at all. I'am free DON'T GIVE IN

  9. When I'm running a marithon!  No really.  I miss them when I am feeling anxious.  They calmed me.  I haven't smoked in 10 years.

  10. When a very young man one of my jobs was to peel that gum off the underside of furniture with a putty knife. A pox on people who do that.

  11. I Quit in 1984...smoked 2 packs a day and i mean I smoked them to the filter!

    I am happy I quit and feel better.  I have Chronic Bronchitis, and medical things that make it so much nicer that I have quit.

    I miss it when someone walks by smoking a Marlboro!

  12. I can't say I've been conscious of "missing" having a cigarette.  One stroke & an ER visit was all it took for me to go COLD TURKEY & I haven't had one since.  I tried a few puffs & it made me ill.  It's been almost 4 years now & I still keep one cigarette in my top drawer just to remind myself of the nastiness of it all.  Just smelling it makes me nauseated!

  13. I quit about 9 months ago. I only miss them when I am awake. Other than that I smoke a lot but miss it most when in my shop having some beer and puttzing around.

    Now I will be thinking about them for awhile.

  14. I like to think that sitting out on the deck looking into the woods after dinner would be a "fulfilling" experience if I could smoke while sitting enjoying the view... but I remember that when I was smoking and could/did that - I didn't savor it or appreciate it - I just smoked because I was addicted and needed the nicotine.  I have quit 3 other times in the past and I know that if I surrender to the temptation and smoke that it really doesn't taste good and is just like learning to smoke again. That it doesn't taste good and by the time it does taste "right" that I'm addicted again. And by then -  I don't really enjoy it - I just need to feed the addiction.  What do I do now ?  Orbit gum is the best gum I've ever had (sweet mint) and is sorta like my menthol smokes.  I like to walk and relax.

  15. With my morning coffee.

    After breakfast.

    While driving.

    After Lunch.

    After dinner.

    While drinking my beers.

    And if I still got it, I'm sure I'd miss them after s*x!

  16. After a big meal.  I learned that mints are good to help with that, or gum.

    I am more than 6 years quit now, don't have trouble.  But for those who need a bit of support, try  Fantastic support site. Filled with people who are quitting or have quit, very willing to answer questions or give encouragement.

  17. after s*x!

  18. I used to chain smoke when I got up and smoke less and less as the day wore on, so if I get the urge it's early in the morning.

  19. Oh geesh!  It's so hard for me when I get really upset!  I've even gone out and bought a pack.  Smoked one, then soak the pack in water!

    It is the hardest thing on the planet bar none!  I have hadto quit!  I'm 44 years old and I have COPD.  It's tough!  I hate not being able to breath!  It can be pretty scary too!  

    ....AND I STILL CHEAT!  How sick is that?

  20. While driving for me, too. Also, with a beer or after a big meal.

  21. When I dont have one lit,,,

  22. I quit smoking about a year ago. My wife made my quit and its one of the best things i ever did. I got back my stamina and i feel much better.

    My favorite places to smoke were in the car and on walks through the park.

    I dont need to cope with it now Im addicted to my wife. makes you forget about smoking completely.

  23. I quit at 10am on the 10th December 1976 and have saved a small fortune.

    But the icing on the cake was that my wife quit soon after and my children did not take up smoking, and we have survived to see our Grandchildren and are optimistic that we will soon see our Great Grandchildren.  

  24. I never miss it. I have Copd and Asthma from smoking ciggarettes. I can't stand the smell of smoke!

  25. quiet time outside.  i will sit on the porch in the evening and just stargaze.  that is when i used to have a puff.  how do i cope?  honestly, i say a prayer of thanks

  26. I quit two years ago next month. Only time I think about it is when someone is smoking and I notice it.

  27. I'm fine till I go out and drink beer. My coping solution is to drink Scotch rather than beer.

  28. Congrats on quitting smoking! I wish I had your willpower to quit to. Whatever you do keep on chewing gum and don't go back to it, you've came a long way and congrats again!

  29. When im nervous I get the itch...Just think 20 years added on to your life , your kids etc. perks you right up!

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