Former volleyball star Julie Schenecker kills her two teenage children in Florida
A shocking news concerning a former volleyball star has just come to surface. The person concerned, Julie Schenecker, has shot to death her two teenage children in Florida.
The first child to fall victim to the psychotic behaviour of the mother was the boy who was aged 13. The young kid was all set to display his skills in soccer practice but the Schenecker put a premature end to his life.
Afterwards, the disturbed parent turned on to her older 16-year-old girl, who was in her room studying and put a bullet through the daughter.
After having committed these atrocities, Schenecker did not flee the scene but went to the back porch of her house, where she was found by the police. The reason for the killings that the mother has given is that her children had frustrated her by taking
on rude tones in conversations and generally being ill mannered.
The usual reasons that are associated with such actions of homicidal mothers are all those do not seem to fall in line with the case at hand. Mothers who have killed their children have often done so because they did not feel the need to have them or were
averse to them.
Some mothers have also taken their children’s life as a tool to take revenge on their husbands while others have thought it better to end the lives of their children as the mothers felt that the children were suffering terribly being alive.
Dr. Phillip J. Resnick, who teaches psychiatry in a university in Cleveland has been researching the behaviour of mothers who have killed their children for several years now.
However, he is still confused by the behaviour displayed by Schenecker and cannot think of any plausible reason of motivation that might have instigated such a reaction in the guilty mother.
“It is very puzzling. You might expect a parent to lose control and smack the kids, not come up from behind with a gun,” said Dr. Phillip J. Resnick. “There is something else going on that we don't know about. On its face it just doesn't compute.”