
Forms needed for adoption??

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I have asked a question about adopting from foster care and I was wondering for those who know or who have completed an adoption at all - what all forms do you need for the homestudy? I have moved and was wanting to maybe get some things together, do you always have to have an autobiography? Do they just need bank statements or do they do a credit check?? I know they do background checks/fingerprints and there is no problem with that, I'm just curious!! Also, I'm pretty sure you need to have a physical to show you are healthy, how far in advance can you have that because I was thinking of getting it done if it is good for a certain amount of time. Thanks!!




  1. the agency doing the homestudy will give you all the nessesary forms.  But you can get started by making copies of everything, birth certificates, social security cards, marriage lisences, divorce papers, drivers lisences, all insurance documents...medical, life, auto, homeowners or rental, last years tax forms, paycheck stubbs,  names, addresses and phone numbers of references. The physicals I think are good for a year but there is a specific form it must be on.  The long part was both parents writing an autobiography.  Get started so when they give you the directions it will say exactly what info to cover. and you can just fix it. Inquire about required classes as it may take a few months to get in.  But every state or agency may have different requiements.

  2. I don't know what state you are in, and its different for each state. I am in Texas and I can tell you what I needed for my homestudy -

    Screening Questionnaire (4 pages) (from agency)

    Discipline Form (from agency)

    Autobiography for each parent

    Completion of Eyes Wide Open internet course, with all "homework" done and submitted (we also completed Conspicuous Families) through Adoption Learning Partners

    Marriage Form (4 pages) for each parent (from agency)

    Social Worker Agreement

    Affirmations Page (from Agency)

    Birth Certificates for all family members

    Marriage License

    Employment Letter for hubby

    CPA Letter of Self Employment for me (I'm self employed, else I'd have just needed a regular one from my job)

    Financial Statement (from agency)

    Payroll Check Stubs

    Recent Bank Statement

    Medical Exams, including tb tests, for each parent

    Pediatrician Letter of good health and current immunizations for each child we have now

    TB test results for each child

    Local Criminal Records Check

    FBI Criminal Records Check

    Letters of Reference (3)

    Copy of Health Insurance Cards

    Copy of Social Security Cards for all family members

    Letter of Intent to Adopt

    Copies of Drivers Licenses

    IRS 1040 Form from previous year

    Guardianship Form signed by brother and sister in law (can be whomever you choose)

    Pet Vaccination Records and Health Statement for all pets

    Statement of Insurance Coverage for adopted child

    Home evaluation including fire and safety checks (2)

  3. I believe each state is different, but we needed to process a great deal of paperwork for our homestudy.  Most of which was provided to us by the adoption agency to sign.  

    We live in PA and were adopting from NJ so this may not apply to all states, but we did need to provide our previous year's tax info and also current paystubs.  We also had to provide a medical report from our doctors.  References of non-family members who could speak on how we are with children, etc.  We had to sign certain paperwork with regards to the open adoption agreement and non-physical discipline.  

    The home study itself required that we do an autobiography, but our agency had it set up in the form of questions that we had to answer to create our autobiography.  

    And as you stated, there were the criminal checks, finger prints, etc.  

    The agency would best be able to provide you with the information that you need.  Our homestudy was valid for a year from the date we signed it.  

    Hope that helps.

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