
Formula fed babies ONLY?

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what kind of formula have you tried with your baby and what was the reaction?? What is was the best choice for you?




  1. my ds (6.5 mths) is very fussy and doesn't really like milk, (strange i know), so i have tried several brands/stages etc, he is now back on cow and gate hungry baby milk, as he seems to take this best, he hasn't had any reactions to any of them ,he just wont drink them!!.

  2. 1st-enfimil lipil-gave him gas

    2nd-good starts- advanced-still gassy

    3rd-enfimil gentlease- loveit..but then he got diarrhea

    4th-enfimil prosobee- made him gassy but cured the diarrhea

    5th-parents choice-soy-same as the prosobee- works great

  3. i use similac problems yet and a very healthy 15 pound 3 month old boy:)

  4. enfamil lipil with iron

    always used it since 2 months old (medical reasons for no breastfeeding) and he's doing fine!

  5. enfamil lipil, enfamil gentle ease, similac soy, and goodstart (the green can) goodstart has by far worked the best!less spitting not painful who he goes #2 it mixes smoothly and doesn't smell as bad either

  6. I'm currently using enfamil lipil with iron but i think goodstart is the best to use. i used goodstart when my son was born.

  7. My baby is 8 weeks old. At the hospital, they gave her Similac. When I came home, they didnt give me any so I started using the sample of Enfamil Lipil with iron that I had. About 2 weeks later, she started having bad problems with gas & constipation so my family told me to try Good Start. That worked the opposite & she got diarea. We finally settled with Enfamil Gentlease for babies with gas. Now Im having problems with her throwing up when I burp her but I dont think it has to do with the formula

  8. Neither of my kids had reactions with any formula.  We were lucky and got freebies from my father who was a OB/GYN and whatever he had a supply of, that's what I got.  At first it was Similac low iron and then it was Enfamil and later when we had to buy it ourselves, we used Good Start.

  9. enfamil lipil with iron

  10. My first 2 children were lactose intolerant. My son used Similac LF and my daughter used Enfalac Lactose Free!! I didnt have much choices due to the allergies they had :-(

  11. I started on Similac Advance and my son had horrible horrible colic.  I recently switched to Similac Sensitive and he is like a different baby.  He smiles and laughs constantly now and has almost no crying fits.  So now I'm even more convinced that it was the formula that was hurting his stomach.  I would recommend the Similac Sensitive.  It also seemed to help with his constipation if that is an issue you have.  

  12. first we tried similac advanced and he was spitting up all the time and not gaining weight so at 2 months doc put him on similac alimentum because she thought he had a protein allergy and it worked like a charm. he is now a healthy 6 months old chunky boy

  13. ruby had some digestive issues, so first she was put on similac alimentum. when that didn't help, she had to drink neocate -- very specialized, very expensive, very disgusting. at 6 months she moved back to alimentum, was fine, and after 2 weeks of it switched to enfamil prosobee, which is soy. she thrived on that. (and the neocate, too.)

  14. By accident I opened the free sample of Soy formula so I feed it to her for the first week.  Stopped BF at 3 weeks and tried formula.  She was so fussy and had horrible smelly gas and constipated.  I called the doc and she said to switch her to milk based formula.  I tried Enfamil Lipil. It made the situation better.  I then switched to Enfamil Gentlease.  Things have been great with the Enfamil Gentlease.  The dr. said she usually tells parents to give the baby soy based formula when the baby is sick with diarrhea because the soy will usually firm up the bowel movements.  Also she said to stick with the same formula for a week before trying something different; give the baby time to adjust.  

    I have now switched to the generic Sams Choice that is the same as Enfamil Gentlease.  It is all regulated by the FDA.  She loves it!!!

  15. With my 1st baby Enfamil Lipil with my 2nd Enfamil Gentlease and with my son Similac Sensitive R.S.  

  16. We have always used Enfamil Lipil with Iron. We have had no problems with it.

  17. good start natural cultures is what my son is on and tolerates it very well.

    we tried earth's best organic formula but he got really fussy.

  18. we used enfamil a+ when my son first went on formula. he was constipated big time and when he did finally poo it was solid and very painful for him. also he power puked after every feeding. when we switched him we put him on nestle good start and we havent had a single problem since!

  19. in the beginning enifamille nutramigon the 6+ months gentelease (enfimile) the Good start the purple gental one

    my daughter has a sensitive tummy

  20. I unfortunately could only BF for 2 months, so we went to formula.

    We started with Similac Advance (the blue label) and he was spitting up a lot, so we switched to the purple which is soy based.  well nothing changed, so we changed back to the milk based... and then, call me cheap if you want, to the Target brand milk formula.  Saves us a bundle of $$ and it has rhe same exact ingredients, almost word for word as Similac.  He is a very healthy 10 month old.

    I say Similac, but try milk based before you try soy.  I have heard if you introduce milk products too late, they can have a bad reaction.

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