
Formula first then solids?

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My baby just started eating solids...I let him eat early in the morning..should I let him drink his milk first before I let him eat cereal of give him cereal right away ?




  1. i always do formula first since that is where all their nutrition is still coming from.

  2. Yeah, it's best to give formula then solids. I'm still getting into a routine as well with my baby, she's 5 months and that's what I do, since formula is really the most important thing right now.

  3. I feed my baby breakfast(cereal and fruit) then a bottle before her morning nap! it works good for me!

  4. I give my little one cereal made with formula then let her finish her bottle after she finished her cereal.

  5. sometimes the timing is different, but I normally just give my daughter solids when she wakes up in the morning. cause she still wakes in the middle of hte night she she normally has a 4 oz bottle at about 4am. if she hasn;t had milk since, say like 1 or 2 am, then i give her a bottle first, tehn solids about an hour later.  

  6. I would give him the cereal first.  Then offer milk afterward.

  7. Since you've just begun solids, when he is hungry feed him his bottle first but only let him eat half of what he normally eats.  Then solid whatever then the rest of his bottle.  

    You should only be feeding him about a teaspoon at a time to begin with as this is still the "introduction" phase.  The majority of his food should be coming from milk/formula at this point.

  8. My daughter is 8 months old and only eats 3 bottles a day, one of them being with breakfast.  She eats about 8oz of formula and then oatmeal (about a jars worth).  She does not eat right away from waking up though, she plays for about a hour and then eats.

  9. we always offer solids first then milk

  10. They say formula first then solids.

    The baby gets most of his nutrition from the formula.

    Cereal is not really needed yet.  

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