
Formula question for possible colic/reflux newborn?

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Ok, so Ive been asking questions lately trying to get to the bottom of my son's rough start on life. Well, he went from Lipil Iron to Gentlease to Nutramigen. Only been on the Nutramigen for about 5-6 days now but it has not even made a dent in his symptoms. The doc said reflux but I really don't know. He has also been on zantac for the past 3 days, no dent with that either. I hate to give him the medication if this is really a colic issue. Anyway, since the Nutramigen is supposed to show improvement around 48 hours and its been way over that, Im wondering if he isn't allergic to cows milk? I notice he has to strain to p**p and seems very ittitable. He also cries and fusses during feedings and especially after feedings. It just seems like his little tummy hurts. He tries crawling up my chest and scratching and turning red and of course crying. Ive been using the mylicone drops but it only helps a tad. For people who had babies with problems similar to me, what formula worked for your baby? Im thinking Carnation Good Start or Similac Sensitive?? A friend mentioned something about too much iron in some formulas?? This is all very frustrating, especially for the little guy. The vacuum and holding him seems to help. By the way, he is 6 weeks old.




  1. my son has reflux and had colic too and we use a combo of nurtramigen and parents choice gentle,(dr. recommended adding cereal to help reflux) thats worked wonderful for him, i would wait a couple more days sometimes it can take a week or lil longer when starting a new formula. if nothing in a couple days i would talk to his doctor again maybe ask about gripe water. that helped before we got the right formula. you can buy it at walmart for about $10.

    good luck  

  2. I have a 3 month old who started being "colicky" same symptoms as your son, my pediatrician gave him zantac (seemed to work) we changed his bottles to the drop-ins(he loves it) and put him on Nutramigen. All seems to be good now. My advice to you is to take him to a specialist, for acid reflux. I am taking my son even though he has improved, they say he should still get checked. Try putting him on Enfamil AR. (purple can I think) it is for acid reflux. I had him on Good Start and it didnt seem to help.. Hope your lil man gets better!!

  3. hey, my son had the same issues...we were told that he had acid reflux and the ped. perscrived some zantac also. but i only gave it to my son for a week b/c it seemed to make things worse. and as got older he is perfectly fine. (he is now 20 months) he also had problems using the bathroom (bowl movements) for months i had told his doctor about it and the ped. just kept giving me the run around, so finally i put my foot donw and chewed him out. He told me that it can be a number of being if there are any issues with the parents that the child is can pressure the chikd and make him hold it in..(but nothing like that is happening in my family) second is that he is not chewing his food properly, third is that he may just be drinking certain things that block you up...he said maybe to cut donw on the milk...(which my son isnt a fan of milk so i knew that also wasnt the problem) or juices.    Well it ended up being a certain juice my son was drinking. I remember observing the things he ate and drink and then observed how it affected him using the potty.( it was a berry juice). so anyway i stopped giving it to him and now the only juices i give my son are apple, craneberry, oragne juice, and prune mixed with water...and he still drinks kool aids and thing like that also. I just stay away from the berry, grape, and pineapple and he is great...he now has a bowl movement just about everyday instead of every 3-4 days like in the past.

  4. It definitely sounds like your baby has colic. My son has colic and he is 12 weeks old. I breastfeed him so I have to watch what I eat because dairy and peanuts bother his tummy. But I do supplement with formula once in a while and I use Similac Hypoallergenic formula. it is specifically designed for babies with colic. It is expensive but worth every penny if your baby has colic. I also use Gripe Water. It is for gas and acid reflux and you can find it online or at Walgreens or other stores like that. I buy Baby's Bliss because it does not have to be refrigerated so you can keep it in the diaper bag. This was a lifesaver with my son, it made him so much happier. It is runs about $11 a bottle but is definitely worth it! It is all natural and works so much better than the mylecin gas drops. I also noticed when my son was really colicky, going for a car ride or going in the bathroom and running the water helped soothe him too. I totally understand what you are going through - there were many nights before the Gripe Water that I had to watch my son cry in agony for 3-4 hours a night. And don't give up, his colic will subside the closer he gets to 3 months old.

  5. my sons doc said to try similac alimentum it is for babies that have colic and allergies and problems with protein. she gave us that at his 2 month check up cause he dropped weight in stead of gaining and with a few days he was so much better and than put the weight on like normal and is a happy 6 months old chunky boy other than having is shots yesterday and teething at the same time

  6. Have you tried a different bottle?  Maybe he doesn't like the nipple and isn't eating because of that and then he gets fussy cause he isn't eating!  Try soy formula at this point if nothings working, try anything to make it a little easier on you.  Good luck!  

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