
Forrest Griffin vs. Rampage Jackson?

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I'd like to know how many of you actually thought Rampage could tear Forrest a new one. I know for dang sure that was not about to happen. I put 50 dollars on Forrest, and that was not just on a hunch. When I went to Hooters to watch the fight for free, I knew Forrest was gonna gring something to the table. When the fight began and Rampage started to back away from forrest from the beginning, I knew how the fight would go down. Forrest has been my favorite fighter since he won the first UFC Fighter aired on television. I'd just like to know if anyone else saw that comin' like I did. Oh, and all you Rampage lovers, go to youtube and check out what Rampage said before the fight. Like he is proud of Forrest for stepping up. Hahahahahahahahha. That Idiot had another thing comin. He only said that because he was tryin to hide how afraid he was of fightin the Forrest. Trust me, No one wants to F- with the Forrest.




  1. Rampage should have won he made forrest look weak he dident even respect forrrests power and dident pay for it almost every punch forrest landed Quinton rolled with exept for a few jabs Rampage hit him with a vicious uppercut and was very very close to getting the knock out his only mistake was not letting him up. sure Rampage got his knee hurt but he was teeing off with huge powershots and making forest miss almost every punch only round i saw going to him was the second i think he got jacked. if you think Rampage was afriad look at his face before the fight starts iv never seen a dude look so mad. i love Quintons style he also slamed his way out of the triangle like it was nothing. forrest is lazy and pays for it i think he thinks hes Ali

  2. I thought Jackson would win.  That never took anything away from Griffin, I just thought Jackson would win.  That's what makes this sport so great, i'd say more than 70% thought that Jackson would win, but it went the other way.  It just keeps getting better.

  3. I answered the question "Griffin vs Jackson? Who wins and then who should be each of their next fights?" last week. My answer was,

    "The longer the fight goes on, the better for Forrest. He's a cardio freak. If Jackson wants to win and retain his title, he needs to come with heavy hands early. Griffin is known to stand and trade, but I don't think he has been hit with the caliber of punches that Jackson tosses. Jackson will need to get a knock out or GnP stoppage by the end of the 2nd early 3rd round to win. Anything after that and Griffin will out work him. I don't think Forrest will lose any of the last three round if it goes that far, so decision is out of the question for Rampage.

    My prediction: Rounds 1 and 2 will go to Jackson for superior striking. Rounds 3,4, and 5 to Griffin for out working Jackson and having better conditioning. Decision for the new Champion Forrest Griffin. "

    I nearly had it pegged exact. I knew that Jackson had power, but thought he would fade toward the end of the fight. I think that most of the people who thought that Rampage would roll through Forrest are casual watchers, and don't follow the sport too close. I'm not saying I'm an expert, but I am saying I saw how this fight would go.

    P.S. I also knew the Miller/Gurgel fight would be one of the best fights of the night, but was shocked that Gurgel got caught in a triangle. I nearly pooed myself.

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