
Fort Leonard Wood basic training RECEPTION.

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My husbands recruiter told him that once he gets to reception they will let him call home with an address I can write him at and to say he got there... He arrived there this morning, No call, I just know from his flight number, and I was just wondering, how long is it usually before I will hear from him? He is going to be in reception until the 15th, then basic starts...




  1. Ft. Leonard Wood Reception! The 43rd!!!!! WOO. What a time.

    When I was there, I wrote countless letters home but without a return address. You don't usually get a solid mailing address until you get to basic training. When he gets there, he'll get his address and when he gets a phone call, he'll call you with it. But until then, any address he gives you will be temporary.

  2. My boyfriend is at Fort Leonard Wood right now!

    He will call you telling you he got there and thats all they really get to say. Im sure he will tomorrow, because when they get there they have to go through briefing and all that junk.

    He wont have his address until he actually gets to his company and bay. The address will be sent to you in like a typed up letter format.  

  3. Try not to worry. One thing with the army, don't ever count on a schedule. If they tell you a time or a's always bound to change. Sometimes you get to reception and you have nothing to do..sometimes you get put on a detail...sometimes some jerk screws up and everyone gets punished for it. You never really know. As soon as he gets a chance, he will contact you . Just try to be understanding and don't worry too much. It is a very hard transition for both of you.  

  4. Just write the letters and save them until he calls with a good mailing address; maybe a couple of days.

    Also, call his folks. He might have called Mom this evening instead of you ( happens).

  5. My recruiter told me a lie,

    He said join the Airborne and learn to fly.

    But ever since I signed the dotted line,

    All I been doin' is double-time!

    Okay, sorry, but Recruiters don't really and can't keep current on what specifically happens when they get to reception.  He's fine, he'll call or write soon.  

    When he does, remember, you miss him, but all is well, and you're proud of him.  He has enough on his plate without hearing about lightbulbs that need changing.  

  6. The call should come late tonight or tomorrow.  He's going through a pretty rough few hours if he's even at the Reception battalion yet.  Once he's gotten squared away, gotten some forms signed and run through the amnesty room he'll get his first hair cut.  Odds are good they'll get smoked once or twice in there and that takes up a good 5-6 hours.  Go out and have dinner, relax a bit and give it time.  

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