
Fortune tellers in Montreal?

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are there any good ones?




  1. You know, there might be some who honestly believe they are contacting "good" spirits to answer your questions. But why would "good" spirits help someone take money from you? You're looking for someone to give you hope. This isn't the way.

    Don't go down that dark path. At the very least you'll be parted with your money, at the very worst you'll be plagued by demons.

    Maybe they already bother you. Do you have nagging thoughts in your head that you're no good? -Or that you could have done better if you got off your sorry butt? Don't be fooled into thinking these messages come from your own heart. Because why would a body want to destruct itself?

    It's not you saying these awful things to yourself. I know because I've been there. -And I got out.

    There's a better way to find hope. Ask me and I'll tell you for free how to find that hope. Someone helped me. I can help you. Keep your money.

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