
Forum snowboards? Recommendations or reviews?

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I'm thinking about getting a Forum snowboard. Does anybody know if this is a good brand of snowboard? Thanks.




  1. I used to ride a Forum board but that was a few years back and i guess now that Forum is owned by Burton the boards are slightly different now. I used to really like my old Forum and to be honest was a bit dissapionted when they got bought out. But Burton is a very good company and the new Forum boards will be good for sure. Good Luck with the riding.

  2. Forum make fantastic boards, you should definitely invest in one. Theyre made by Burton so you know its good quality, but with a little something something that Burton boards dont have. Id reccomend the Forum Destroyer, as it has great pop, is lightweight and looks great too. Definitely get a Forum!

  3. Forum snowboards are actually pretty good. They are owned by Burton and have gotten a lot better technology because of it. Their boards are becomming comparable to all the big brand snowboards, but are still offered at lesser prices. I think it is a good buy for sure.

  4. I assume you are asking about a freestyle board. I only know one person that rides one and he likes it for freestyle.

    Forum boards have a following, but most people agree that Rome, K2, Gnu and Lib Tech are the best freestyle boards.

    Good Luck

  5. YEA DUDE !!! Forum is SICK. They make awesome stuff.  The forum destroyer is really really nice, They actually just came out with a new destroyer recently Its the Travis Kennedy Signature. Awesome graphics.  Im gonna go out on a limb and say your looking for a park deck, let me recomend some of the sickest park decks for the 2007-2008 season check em out, one may grab your attention more than a forum deck

    Forum Destroyer

    K2 WWW

    Rome Artifact

    Burton Custom

    Burton Twin

    Salomon Sanchez  ( <---- sick board super buttery)

    Burton Dominant

    Lib Tech  Travis Rice Pro model

    Lib Tech banana tech

    Anything Capita

    Anything Technine

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