
Fossils in Jerusaleum?

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Palentologists say dinasours ruled the earth for 170 Million years!!! WOW Archaeologists have found fossils all over the world with many of the same development characteristics as modern animals - which leads one to think about evolution. Have fossils ever been found in or around Jerusaleum? I guess I'm trying to make evolution and creation fit together in a nice neat line. Suggestions?:




  1. Don't try to make creation fit with anything realistic, or scientific.

  2. evolution = science (lots of facts and tests)

    Creationism = fantasy ,day dreams

    yes fossils have been found in Israel and every other country in the world

  3. I don't understand yoru logic.  How would finding fossils in Jerusaleum  have any bearing on evolution and creationism?  Would the absence of them have any relevence either?  The fact is, they are all over the earth.  their absence or presence in a small blot of earth wouldn't have any significance to the subject at all.  It certainly would not draw a straight line anywhere.  

    It wouldn't matter to most christians if a scroll signed by Jesus himself was found stating taht evolution is how it all came about.  I don't see how finding a fossil record specifically in Jerusaleum would provide anything further for them.  

    What would happen if they found them in Bethlehem, under a burned out stable....

  4. cetainly could be fossils there of about anything...and I would suggest that in the last 2 billion years, there have been some very advanced forms of life.....such as a dinosaur with the intelliegence of your pet poodle...evolution is not a straight and increasing line....c**p asteroid and comets hitting the Earth that seriously s***w things up....2 billion years ago, something happened to kill 99.8% of all life...anf some of this life was advanced to sonething similar to amphibian...but very big and with some simple mammal's very chaotic....look to religion for simple answers if you don't want to think very hard

  5. You can make them fit together if you like. See, let's suppose for the sake of argument that the theory of evolution does explain how life on earth evolved, and the astrophysicists are right about the origins of the universe. Nothing about those theories is inconsistent with the idea that there is a god.  But if that god wanted to explain these things to these desert nomad  humans on earth, is He going to deliver it like a biology lesson and an astrophysics lesson? No. That's far too complicated. Instead, He is going to speak metaphorically and allegorically, in terms they can understand. Just like so much of the Bible is metaphorical and allegorical. Jesus tells lots of parables that aren't meant to be interpreted literally, but are meant to explain a concept in an interesting way that people will remember and heed. The Bible is full of such stories.

  6. Sure, fossils have been found in Israel.

    There was a snake with limbs found near Jerusalem.

    Many Neanderthal fossils have been found in Israel, and show that humans and Neanderthals coexisted.

    There are probably more examples, just google it.
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