
Foster Care Adoption in Michigan?

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I have a 6 month old, parental rights were terminated. How long does it take to adopt once this has taken place. She has been referred to the adoption worker, I haven't heard from them yet. Also, is it safe to say that b/c I am fostering now, the adoption will go through OK?




  1. Our state of Michigan is much better than most for completeing these adoptions. I have heard horror story upon horror story from other states but really I think we are one of the best states for foster adoption. I would expect to wait 9-12 months for the final decree. My boys have 4 siblings that were adopted in 3 different homes and my pastor adopted 3 kids at different times and all were done within a year of the TPR. My agency was always telling me that other family could step up but they had always checked quite well in the beginning for other interested family. By the time TPR comes around its a pretty safe assuption that the child is staying with that set of adoptive parents. However, nothing is a "sure thing". Good luck!

  2. Keep on that adoption specialist!  They have a tendency to get caught up in the more pressing cases and will let the stable ones linger.  This baby will keep getting older with nothing getting done.  Keep pressing.  And bless you for wanting this baby.

  3. Nothing is a for sure thing... you need to check with the agency! Good Luck

  4. Once we were approved to adopt, we had a six month waiting period. But the adoption was still completed in less than a year. We were approved to adopt him in April and the adoption was finalized in December.

    How long has it been since she was refereed to the worker? If it has been more than a couple of weeks, I would call and check in. You should try to contact the worker every few weeks.

    If the baby has been with you for awhile, you should get priority in adopting her, unless there is another relative that wants to adopt her also. Then there could be a problem because agencies try to keep the children with relatives whenever possible.

    Good luck!

  5. How sad.  A baby has lost her mother.  Please give that baby a huge hug from me and take extra good care of her.  Yes you should be free and clear to adopt her :(

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